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Mar 27th 2023
Киностудия "Баклан-Фильм", феерическое видео "Дорожная встреча, или Распятие мамы мальчика в трусиках, не выходя из авто":
- сценарий 3/10;
- реквизит 3/10;
- игра актёров 2/10 #fake #кормимватуговном
Предположительное место съёмки: Макеевка (…), Горняцкий р-н, Донецкая обл. Image
"Наши самые страшные опасения подтвердились - #укроДРГ работают уже в глубоком тылу российских войск, кошмаря мирное население. Причём, речь идет не об одиночном "Амароке" с немецким крестом - речь шла о ЦЕЛОЙ КОЛОННЕ ВСУ!"… ImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
NEXT UP, #6 seed WILDCAT (Felis silvestris silvestris) vs. #11 seed HIGHLAND STREAKED TENREC (Hemicentetes nigriceps) #2023MMM Colored photo of wildcat, standing on all fours with its heaColored photo of tenrec, sitting among moss. Long rostrum is
Tenrecs are small mammals endemic to Madagascar that range greatly in shape & size - some look like hedgehogs, others like shrews, others still like opossums or rodents #2023MMM Tenrec range map by IUCN red list. Tenrecs range is a narrow
Highland Streaked Tenrec is #TinyButMighty: it weighs 160g (3/4 of a stoat), is covered with a mix of hairs & spines, and has 3 distinctive white stripes along its back #StoatsAsMeasurement #2023MMM Colored photo of tenrec, sitting among moss. Long rostrum is
Read 19 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
Gerhard #Mangott: "So wünschenswert ein Sieg der Ukraine auch wäre, ein russischer Verlust könnte drastische Folgen haben und die gesamte Region destabilisieren. Doch wie definiert Russland überhaupt eine Kriegsniederlage?" #facepalm…
Nach dieser Anmoderation wundert die Abmoderation kaum noch:
Fazit: Nicht alles vollkommen falsch - aber alles gesehen durch die Brille Russlands. Die Lesenden fühlen mit Russland, leiden mit Russland etc. Abwesend wie immer bei #Mangotts Expertisen: Das Kriegsopfer. Was will die Ukraine, wie fühlt sie sich, was wird danach?
Read 4 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
Моя ж ты лапочка. А почему так мало украинских военнослужащих уничтожил-то?
#Конашенков: в ответ на преступный удар киевского режима по макеевскому родничку я реализовал операцию "Возмездие" и разбомбил пару общаг в Краматорске… #морф #чотаржу #Макеевка
#Краматорск: журналисты посетили места конашёнковского "возмездия" и выяснили, что там не то что никто не погиб, но что российские криворукие дятлы умудрились даже не попасть в пустые здания #facepalm ImageImageImage
В общаге даже стекла целые (с) ЛА… #Краматорск
Read 6 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
Champ lexical nuancé : "monstre", "frénétique", "responsabilité considérable", "catastrophe", "hors de contrôle", "aussi polluante que l'automobile", "exploser", "exploitation", "frankenstream" sur France Inter et Arte toujours dans leur croisade obsessionnelle. Image
Le chiffre de 100 Mt CO2eq/an est cité (à voir... discutable, suivant type d'imputation), on notera que c'est aussi le poids CO2 estimé de nos animaux domestiques, qui ne provoquent pas des émissions scandalisées chaque jour sur le service public. #jdçdjr
"C'était assez difficile de voir un vrai méchant dans l'histoire", "où était la vraie source de pollution". "80 % des débits sur Internet" "On tenait un méchant dans l'histoire", "On tenait une bonne histoire". CQFD ! Où comment monter du putaclic sur *rien*.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
Донецк, горисполком, вот же людям с утра в воскресенье делать нехуй… #Донецк
Донецк, горисполком, утро 16/10/22, что-то произошло непонятное… #Донецк
Донецк, горисполком, утро 16/10/22… #Донецк
Read 11 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
If I ever wanted evidence of Jacob Rees-Mogg being a major user of hallucinogens then I reckon this counts. It's up there with the hydrogen economy -…
X : No fusion plant by 2040?
Me : Not a hope, Anyway, realism is not the purpose.
X : What is?
Me : A narrative that fusion is the future energy source for hydrogen generation by electrolysis and so short term fracking and hydrogen generation by steam reforming is ok.
X : So, not really hallucinogens?
Me : Well, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. It's better than exploiter peddles propaganda to hoodwink population.
Read 27 tweets
Sep 4th 2022
1/ Curioso come questo "studio osservazionale" sull'ivermectina in Brasile sia "ri-comparso" nella rivista Cureus. Riconosco gli autori, ma ricordatevi questi due per iniziare: Lucy Kerr e Pierre Kory.

Nota: thread scritto "al volo", è tardi.

2/ Il titolo è "Regular Use of Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID-19 Led Up to a 92% Reduction in COVID-19 Mortality Rate in a Dose-Response Manner: Results of a Prospective Observational Study of a Strictly Controlled Population of 88,012 Subjects". Ricordatevi il numero 88,012
3/ Si presenta come uno "studio osservazionale" e tiene in considerazione l'uso dell'ivermectina nei residenti della cittadina di Itajaí (Brasile) tra il 7 luglio e il 20 dicembre 2020. Mi ricorda qualcosa.
Read 32 tweets
May 17th 2022
These go on constantly, but today is a big day.…
This is part of the smart city planning and development that is going into sustainable cities, off downloads to that info are sprinkled thru these tweet threads.
Sorry pdf got corrected to off. Anyway, this is from last year's conference. You can search UN sustainable cities and easily reach articles.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
Ukraine had not had agency since the Maidan coup in 2014.
I can even prove it to you.
"to help pursue political and economic reform in Ukraine"

Now, I need American people to think concretely and ask, "logistically would it still be a Democracy with this help?"

But, I will spoon-fed you through this, because I understand thinking is hard for most of you. Image
Somebody is scrubbing the internet of their naughtyness. Image
Read 27 tweets
Feb 12th 2022
Today, I realized that I know several Telugu people who talk to their children only in English. They don’t even live abroad in an Anglophone country. Just in India. The children talk to the parents in English. These are the elite section of the society. I’m pissed off man!
A lot of the times, it is just about showing off their Anglobabies. Every middle-class Telugu family has a dozen people in the circle of relatives or friends who are settled abroad, mostly in the USA. It is all about trying to identify with that in-group of Phoren kids.#facepalm
I get so annoyed just thinking about these Anglo-wannabes. Why!? The children can easily pick up English if they spend a couple of years abroad at some time. They are the fricking elite. But they are raising deracinated children who will be clueless and lost in life afterwards.
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Nov 6th 2021
Echt. Mensen die zeggen dat ze Christus volgen en intussen lasteren en haatzaaien dat het een lieve lust is. Die zelfs oproepen tot moord, doodslag en ondermijning. Dit soort radicalisering en extremisme is gaande in evangelisch-charismatische kringen. Image
@hugodejonge en @MinPres @Het_OM @ferdgrapperhaus Kan dit alsjeblieft aangepakt en strafrechtelijk vervolgd worden? Het wordt steeds agressiever. Geldt ook voor de website die gerund wordt door David Sörensen. Staan deze mensen al op de radar bij @NCTV_NL?
@hugodejonge @MinPres @Het_OM @ferdgrapperhaus @NCTV_NL Dit is het Facebook-profiel in kwestie van Ronald Plat, een compleet doorgedraaide ondernemer uit Volendam:
Read 15 tweets
Sep 24th 2021
Crítica fora d'A Bolha diz coisas muito diferentes.

Ridículas as mudanças que fizeram para a trama cerebral do livro ser palatável para a Geração MCU, que não consegue digerir história sem vilão, sem herói e sem ação over the top.…
Mais fora d'A Bolha.…
Mas devo conferir e formar minha própria opinião.

Provavelmente testemunharei uma vez mais a tragédia que é ver uma obra marcante desfigurada e mediocrizada, dela retirado a fórceps tudo que a faz especial, por comitê de marqueteiros em busca d'A Maior Demografia Possível.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 5th 2021
Petit #thread (fatigué) sur les avis de la @CNIL :
1. en 1978, le Parlement adoptait la loi informatique et libertés portant création de la CNIL, dont les avis faisaient autorité, et devaient être suivis ("avis conformes") par le gouvernement.
2. en 2004, le Parlement transposait une Directive européenne et adoptait une refonte de ladite loi informatique et libertés, particulièrement originale : s’il ne la respecte pas, l’Etat ne risque pratiquement rien.…
3. Par exemple, s’il veut créer de nouveaux fichiers régaliens policiers ou de santé, le gouvernement devait toujours, certes, demander son avis à la Cnil.
Mais il n'était plus obligé d’en tenir compte...
Depuis 2004, les avis de la @CNIL ne sont plus que "consultatifs". #FAIL
Read 30 tweets
May 11th 2021
Alles muss man selber finden... wo ist der Tweet von Canyon, wo der Insta-Post? ;-)

Na, also der Aufmacherspot ist ja schon mal sympathisch. Dann mal weitergucken, ob das Rad endlich mal wieder ein Treffer sein kann: @canyon Grizl.…
Erster Eindruck: Das Rad macht viel zu viel Sinn. Verdächtig! Haben die alle Entwickler ausgetauscht? Welche Experten ins Boot geholt? Dem Vorstand der Kragen geplatzt: "Macht endlich mal ein vernünftiges Rad ohne uns selbst wieder ein Bein zu stellen!" ??
Runde, konventionelle Sattelstützenaufnahme, normaler Vorbau und Lenker. Zugführung klassisch ohne Firlefanz in den Rahmen wie vor 10 Jahren schon etc. (das ist fast schon etwas schade - genau da hätte ich mir etwas mehr Mut gewünscht - aber, ok, praktikabel!) etc.
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Dec 15th 2020
The most ridiculous article ever on #Cycling in #London appeared in the increasingly absurd Tory Weekly, The @spectator ... by Paul Burke. (@paulburkeradio) - an advertising copywriter.

And it's just so laughable it deserves a thread to debunk it's idiocy. Image
@spectator @paulburkeradio "Of course cycling is inherently right-wing"

He's not even trying to be ironic. He means it.

The 'Right Wing' can claim to ownership of many activities .. cycling is not one of them.

I have no data either way but my experience is that cyclists tend to be centre or left-ish. Image
@spectator @paulburkeradio Cyclists apparently "terrorise motorists with violently bright and flashing lights .."

Not ever seen this. Ever..

Perhaps he means legally safe, approved and recommended lighting, ideal for catching the attention distracted car drivers on their phones .... Image
Read 24 tweets
Nov 19th 2020
It is impossible for me to process the level of #facepalm I have just witnessed from @Bell's #business #fiber #internet alone, so you all have to share in this experience.

The fiber optic box for my #SMB internet service has a power supply with a built in UPS. Handy, right?
Internet is a critical service, and the entire device is under 25 watts, so building even a small UPS into the power supply will let it run for a very long time in the event of an outage! Great idea! Laptops and phones work when the power's out, so should the internet!
Wrong. The UPS is there for 911 phone service. So someone has actually gone to the trouble of designing a device that *knows* when the power has gone out, and continues powering the phones, but cuts the ~5 watts internet connection.

I don't have phone service. Just internet.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
Anyone else starting to see a pattern at @Marvel lately? Are all their superheroes surfing the #LGBTQ “rainbow wave” or are their writers just out of fresh ideas?

#LGBTQMCU #MCU #comics #marvelcomics #marvelstudios #marvelisoverparty
It’s not ALL gay. Galactica has a daughter and she’s pregnant...

The silver age of comics wasn’t even this dumb.

#facepalm #marvelisoverparty #Marvel #marvelcomics
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Jul 8th 2020
“Why do companies ask data structure&algorithm questions? It’s not like you’d use this day to day...”

At my past 3 companies - Skype/Microsoft, Skyscanner, Uber - I needed to use them to write some code, and *especially* to understand things. Here’s some examples. A thread.
At Skype, building Skype for Xbox One, the platform was missing a bunch of basic libraries. We built a navigation framework on top of WinJS that needed to keep track, and in some cases, traverse the DOM tree. #Trees, #DFS, #BFS
Also at Skype, one of the devs was obsessed with performance. For the contact list sorting, he built his own algo. I used the O(n) approach to tell him why this was silly. Then built a faster version. Then we benchmarked the built-in sort which was faster #sorting #facepalm
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Jul 5th 2020
Der nunmehrige #Lockdown Aktivismus div. Regime ist nur wegen eines wissenschaftlich völlig unhaltbaren #PCR Fake-Tests möglich. Niemand ist "infiziert" od. "krank", weil er auf positiv getestet wurde...

Die warten nur auf eine fatale #Impfung.

#COVID19 #COVID1984 #PLandemie
Check es selbst mit der downloadbaren xcell #Maske, wie unsinnig die Behauptungen div. Regime zu #COVID19 unter Bezugnahme auf den #PCR Test sind:…
Read 5 tweets
Apr 5th 2020
India Today is so gung ho.

The more of this diya enthusiasm I hear, the more annoyed I am.
And the constant replay of the video message. What nightmare is this?

Now a psychologist explains why the lights are important.

Faking it till we make it... never.

Getting angrier by the minute.
And now the anchor (I have fled to another room and can hear) is suggesting that people chant mantras...
My issue is neither with diyas nor with prayer. It is with state-orchestrated spectacular performance, especially as a substitute for concrete action.
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Mar 12th 2020
This excellent well- researched article on #COVID needs to be widely circulated, translated into as many languages as possible! DO READ!

This is damn scary! 😞…
In other #CoronaVirusUpdates from India, we have educated idiots who should be punished for these kind of crimes! Wonder how many people she infected along the way! @GoogleIndia please fire this dumb employee!

Ugh! Image
Yes! Humans please stop eating dead animals! 😷😷😷

#CoronaVirusUpdates #ViaWhatsApp Image
Read 12 tweets
Jan 6th 2020
Ah, I see the new narrative will be to blame the state (aka civil service) if brexit isn't marvellous ... of course, if it is marvellous then that will be entirely down to Gov of the day / Biz despite "the state" ... yawn.
... as one of those "reformists" behind the "better for less" paper (2010), it helps if people understand the importance of the civil service and why "business" and the imported dogma of outsourcing had created a mess ...
... critical in improving Gov are two key components - transparency and challenge - which is why Spend Control is so important.

Gearing up a narrative of "let us blame the state if brexit fails" is such a #facepalm
Read 4 tweets

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