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Nov 13th 2020

1. St Laurence, Bishop, of princely descent, was born in Leinster about A.D. 1124. After being Abbot of Glendalough, he was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin (A.D. 1154). He guided his flock wisely
#StLaurenceOToole #Nov14 #IrishNews Image
2. encouraging them to patience in the sufferings consequent on the invasion of Strongbow; and governed his diocese with prudence for 26 years.

Repairing in the interests of his Church, to Canterbury, to King Henry II, he narrowly escaped death at the hands of a madman.
3. He was present in Rome (A.D. 1179) at the Lateran Council, and returned to Ireland with the powers of a Legate.

He died at the Abbey of Eu in Normandy (November 14, 1180), having successfully negotiated between King Henry and King Roderic, the Irish monarch.
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