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Jul 20th 2020

1.Her mother died soon after her birth and St Margaret was nursed by a pious woman five or six leagues from Antioch. Having embraced Christianity she was disowned by her pagan father and adopted by her nurse.
#StMargaretOfAntioch #Christian #Jul20 Image
2. She consecrated her virginity to Christ.

While she was one day engaged in watching the flocks of her mistress, a lustful Roman prefect named Olybrius caught sight of her, and attracted by her great beauty sought to make her his concubine or wife.
#Christianity #JesusChrist
3. When neither cajolery nor threats of punishment could succeed in moving her to yield to his desires, he had her brought before him in public trial at Antioch.

Threatened with death unless she renounced the Christian faith, the holy virgin refused to adore the gods of the
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