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Mar 18th 2019
Thread: The #GreatestRaid came about through absolute necessity. The one thing large warships need for sustained operations over the course of a war is a dock that can house them. You can’t fight a ship for years on end with maintenance. /1/
The German warship Tirpitz was one of the deadliest; a battleship of such capability that her mere presence in a naval theatre had significant consequences. In January 1942, it looked like she might make the run from the Norwegian coast into the Atlantic for convoy raiding. /2/
In order to sustain this, she needed a dry dock. There was only one on the Weat coast of sufficient size - #StNazaire. Two options presented themselves to Allied planners, sink the ship or destroy the dock. The @RoyalAirForce attempted to sink her from the sky, to no avail. /3/
Read 48 tweets
Jan 26th 2019
Nous voici present près de #commercy pour l'assemblée des assemblées. Salle pleine. Environ 350 personnes à la louche #GiletsJaunes. À suivre tout ce week-end sur notre compte ! #ActeXI
Ça commence a
Ici à #Commercy par une présentation de tout les délégués. Ils et elles viennent de #Rennes #Toulouse #Paris... Environ 70 villes représentées. #GiletsJaunes #ActeXI
La salle de l'assemblée de #Commercy #GiletsJaunes
Read 52 tweets

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