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Jun 10th 2022
Here is my unpopular perspective on story points. Story points are just a number. Don’t get me wrong though, it’s a good information to know for the team so that they can predict their velocity and commit to deliverables. #agile #scrum #developer #storypoints
The use of story points has always been a huge topic for debate. Some say it is useful for agile software development teams, others say it is of no use for business. Both of them are correct.
But here is where I have a strong opinion, as someone who has worked in many software development teams, both as a software developer and an engineering manager in the last two decades of my career. Story points are a bad measure for a software developer’s performance.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 2nd 2019
So Point Velocity.

1. Why would we ever incentivize building “more”? We want to achieve more with less, not more with more. #storypoints #velocity
2. Why would we ever incentivize a rush to call something done, and not seek feedback? It happens. Ever hear teams talking about “getting credit” ... yeah, it is a thing. #storypoints #velocity
3. Why use something that has the tendency to encourage individual backlogs (hey, we have to balance the stories out, right!)? #storypoints #velocity
Read 7 tweets

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