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Mar 17th 2018
So you might have heard that Facebook has suspended #CambridgeAnalytica and Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) for fraudulent use of #data extending back to 2015.ā€¦ Here's how to check your privacy and ad settings on @facebook. A thread.
Anyone that uses Facebook has probably given permission to an app at some stage. Maybe you use FB to sign into other sites, or you wanted to see some future predictions for fun. That's grand, but they retain access to your data even after you stop using them. Here's how to review
First go to your drop down menu & click Settings. Then click Apps. Review these carefully. For e.g. I use Kickstarter and 9gag frequently so those are grand, but see the ones like Klout and Giveaway widget? I'll want to remove permissions for those, even if only I can see posts.
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