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Nov 27th 2019
💣So Busted💣

Trump Knew of WBC Which Likely Prompted Him To Release The Aid to Ukraine

Which means he would have known about it before he told Sondland there was 'no quid pro quo.'

Trump throws Rudy under the bus:

Trump Denies Sending Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine for Biden Probe
💣So Busted💣

Cipollone & Eisenberg —knew about the whistle-blower complaint in August & briefed Trump in late August about it.

Trump administration officially put hold on Ukraine aid same day as Trump call 7/25;

Per Sandy Transcript Trump ordered hold 7/12/19 per email.
💣So Busted3💣

ICIG Atkinson, concluded that the administration needed to send it to Congress.

But Cipollone & Eisenberg disagreed.

They decided that the adm could withhold from Congress the whistle-blower’s accusations because they were protected by executive privilege.
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