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Mar 12th 2021
THREAD from Jen Ferrari:"There was a thread recently concerning the quality of student artwork in TAB classrooms. Just today, a student turned a piece that I think perfectly highlights the difference in quality between "show-ready" products of project-based art rooms 1/10
"...and the work that comes from process-based TAB rooms. Before reading beyond this <tweet>, I recommend first looking closely at the photo of the student's work. Allow yourself to have an honest first opinion: what do you assume or think of it? 2/10
Read 12 tweets
Mar 10th 2021
THREAD: a story. "After I said my standard "centers are now open, start your art" one new 6th grader from Russia came to me and said "I listened to everything you said, but I must have missed something - what are we supposed to do? 1/8 Image
I explained that this was up to her - she could choose a center and begin. I watched as she started a painting. It was as if she had never experienced any of it before - what to do? What to make? How to make it? What next? And now what? Each mark she made delighted her. 2/8
She made a red heart outline (on a GIANT piece of paper) and filled it in with more red (she was delighted with this) then - made a red heart outline and filled it with blue.I wish I video-taped her it was like watching a baby take her first steps. 3/8
Read 8 tweets

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