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Feb 7th 2020
📢 NEW - NSxG maps 📢

Time to introduce something I've been working on lately. It's called non-shot (NS) xG maps and they look like 👇

In this thread I'll try to explain what they are, why they're useful and how they can be used!

#xG #NSxG #football #data #analytics
@EveryTeam_Mark @MarkTaylor0 @Tussendelinies @tactipedia @Tacticsplatform @joe_mulberry @DanKennett @StatmanDave @elpivoteftbl @experimental361 Why do we need NSxG maps? NSxG maps can help speeding-up and improving the proces of video analysis.

Usually analysts watch hours of video footage, in order to understand how a certain team plays: how do they create dangerous attacks? Which players are most dangerous?
@EveryTeam_Mark @MarkTaylor0 @Tussendelinies @tactipedia @Tacticsplatform @joe_mulberry @DanKennett @StatmanDave @elpivoteftbl @experimental361 But what if we let the data tell us where to look?

▶️ Enter NSxG (or similar metrics like xT or PV)

By plotting in which area of the pitch a team makes their most valuable actions (mind you, we are not talking frequencies here!), we know where they get most dangerous from
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