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Apr 25th 2022
Drones, Fitbits and AI, oh my: Happy #WorldPenguinDay! Come learn about how #NSFfunded researchers from @PointBlueConSci study Adélie penguins at one of the windiest locations on Earth. #takeoverNSF

📸: @ae_schmidty
Can you guess what an Adélie penguin 🐧 and a salmon 🐟 have in common? #WorldPenguinDay

📷Matthias Breiter

Both of these charismatic species exhibit what scientists call “natal philopatry,” which means they return to their birthplaces to breed!

Adélies often end up building their pebble nests very close to where they hatched. #takeoverNSF
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Jun 17th 2020
Hi 👋 I'm @beatrixparis from @UMiamiRSMAS.

I study fish larvae, the early life stage of fishes: one challenge is to collect them alive to be able to observe their behavior. A second challenge is to observe them in their natural environment without human disturbance. #takeoverNSF
The European eel is a migratory species that crosses the Atlantic Ocean twice during its life. After hatching in the Sargasso Sea, eel larvae move >3,000 miles to the freshwater streams of Europe and eventually navigate back to the Sargasso Sea to spawn and die. #takeoverNSF
During their journey, glass eels encounter many distinct environments, with dramatic differences in physical, chemical and biological features. This journey is complex and they need to rely on multiple orientation mechanisms. “Magnetic imprinting” is one of them. #takeoverNSF
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