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Oct 18th 2018
So.. In 2018 at Budapest Airport, it is apparently okay to provide a #dysfunctional service where your customers get #overcharged, while not replying to their complaints. For a year. Am I right, @WizzAir? Cc: @budairport #YearLongComplaint * thread *
My brother lives some countries and an ocean away, so we bought #WizzAirCoupons for our mother as a present. She wanted to visit him, but the site failed to give her the discount. The coupon can no longer be used, so she wrote you an email. This was on the 1st of November, 2017.
She got the first - and to this day, the only - reply at the end of that same month. My mother asked a few questions to which no answer was ever received. #TerriblePenPal
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