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Apr 24th 2020
@Acosta Jim, YOU push this made-up Garbage, YOU are guilty of people harmed!
Medical Truth: IV Vit C has cured innumerable Covid19 patients facing death on vents in China and elsewhere.
Vitamin C turns into Hydrogen Peroxide in your body and disinfects, among other benefits.
@Acosta people drink or inject H202? NO! That would be deadly.
The Vitamin C conversion is the correct, God-given solution to keep you healthy, and is unlike OTC H202.
Should high-dose Vit C used properly be given IV to Covid19 patients? Yes!
Should The Cure be given to patients? Yes
@Acosta So when Trump states "disinfectant", YOU idiots pull it out of context and name Lysol and Chlorine. IF people listen to you, they will be injured or killed, and YOU will be sued!
You shouldn't be in News anyways, because you are #FakeNewsCNN !
Outraged! Ret. RN.
HCQ, Zinc, and
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