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Jan 20th 2023

That is the question. I'm a Scouser with Scottish, Irish & Gypsy blood. That's not a question I need to ask myself. I will hold a grudge for this life and the next. I will curse your children and your children's children.

However... Image
...for more well adjusted, emotionally mature and even spiritually evolved beings, forgiveness is divine. With that in mind, I NEED you all to watch this @jimmy_dore segment featuring an incredibly moving statement by @joerogan and also extremely powerful words by Jimmy himself.
For those of us who managed to retain our senses & memory of high school level immunological scientific principles & for whatever reason were immune to the #MassFormation #MassHypnosis & #MassPsychosis #CoronaPanic phenomenon, we were maligned by not only casual acquaintances...
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