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This week in Covid, those leaders pummelled and defeated by SARS2 begin trying to re-write history.

They, yet again, forget that pesky thing called science!

#TheWeekInCovid - a weekly "slightly" sarcastic summary of the pandemonium caused by the pandemic.
1. A new analysis from WHO that estimated around 20million Covid deaths have occurred worldwide was ceased upon by anti-public health commentators, as on initial inspection it seemed to paint a less damning picture. On closer inspection, it didn’t.
2. On the leader board of pandemic responses (excess deaths) the UK came 140th out of 200. Not as bad as Somalia at 141st.

3. At least it was better than the US at 156th, stuck between Namibia and Paraguay. In fairness, fewer people survive to old age in LICs, so that's OK.
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The Week In Covid

The Battle for the Narrative Continues.

1. Covid continues to defy the adage “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, as Scientists estimate around 100m people are likely suffering Long Covid.

2. Meanwhile several more world leaders drink the magic cool aid and try to make the argument we can live with a mutating virus circulating freely, killing more than any other infection, by “doing less”.
3. As several countries start seeing a fall in cases after the second wave of Covid this year (it’s April), other countries start seeing a surge.

4. Passing around new variants between countries now more acceptable than passing an agreement to tackle a global pandemic globally.
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The Week In Covid

A look at what's happened with Covid this week. Excuse the abundance of sarcasm - it's been a tough week for truth and logic!

1. Hancock (the UK’s former Health Secretary) made the news again this week, in what I initially thought was a psychology experiment testing ‘just how much BS will the public take’.
2. He claimed the UK pandemic strategy of ‘suppressing the virus until vaccines and treatments were available’ was the right one, he’s glad they followed it, and they have beaten Covid.
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This Week In Covid.

1. To the surprise of pretty much no sane person, another wave of Covid took hold this week. On the flip-side, the 5th (or is it 6th?) wave in two years served another dose of reality...

#TheWeekInCovid the paper-thin ‘seasonality’ argument. Hang in there, it may be right one day. As they say, even a biased scientist is right twice a day….or is it a ‘broken watch’…or a ‘broken record’?
2. Either way, after two years of being repeatedly wrong about (1) mass infection - turns out getting an infection to prevent an infection wasnt such a good idea -, (2) herd immunity - seems high school textbooks were right all along and viruses can mutate -,
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What’s been happening This Week in Covid?

The schism between reality and policy grew even wider this week...

Omicron B.2 sent cases soaring and stock markets sinking!

The US, Russia, Italy, and the UK continue to lead the ‘Covid Catastrophe’ League Table. Excluding Russia, this takes Covid deaths in these countries beyond WW2 civilian deaths.
As our grandparents faced conscription and war, our generation seems too precious to wear a simple face covering when out and about…apparently it’s more of a threat to liberty than death and disability. Yes, logic takes a serious hit this week too…
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The Week In Covid.

March 8th 2021

A weekly summary of what's happening with Covid.

While some world leaders try their best to convince their citizens that "Covid is Over", Covid remains the biggest killer of all infectious diseases worldwide.

➡️ 500K more deaths since 2022.
➡️➡️ 52K deaths reported in the last week...
A more detailed analysis carried out in the US (@cynthiaccox and co @KFF) showed Covid was the second leading cause of death in the US, even before Omicron hit in Dec '21

...and the leading cause of death in the 45-54 age group!!!

So, no, not a disease of the elderly!
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With so much happening just now, I thought I would try to provide a weekly update of Covid stuff you might find relevant.


[Inspired by @RussInCheshire & his #TheWeekInTory]
First, Policy Changes:
Where to start? It has been a colossal week for policy changes. The race to declare Covid 'over' has kept the spin-masters busy!

Denmark was first.
The confidence of their assertion Covid was no longer a significant threat met the harsh reality this wk.
2/ Not to be outdone, the UK Gov, while saying Covid is the cause of the UK's healthcare crisis (not ten years of trying to privatise the NHS) and having double the healthcare burden of Covid than when 'Plan B' was implemented, declared it is time to end isolation for +ve cases.
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