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Jun 2nd 2022
Packed scenes in central London as people gathered for a patriotic celebration of the the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee—70 years on the throne. #PlatinumJubilee #JubileeWeekend #TroopingTheColour
Many pets joined to watch the #JubileeCelebration in London. #TroopingTheColour
Sadly thousands including myself were turned away & blocked from getting near Buckingham Palace, St James Park or Pall Mall. The #PlatinumJubilee was advertised for months but the organization was shambolic with poor communication among the different agencies blocking people.
Read 3 tweets
Jun 12th 2021
Hoy es el cumpleaños oficial de la Reina de Inglaterra. Ella celebra dos cumpleaños cada año: su nacimiento el 21 de abril y su cumpleaños oficial el segundo sábado de junio.

Hoy les dejo la receta de su torta favorita, Chocolate Biscuit Cake


250 grs de galletitas de vainilla
115 grs de manteca
115 grs de azúcar
115 grs de chocolate semiamargo

Para el baño
300grs de chocolate cobertura

1.Romper con la mano las galletitas de vainilla en un recipiente
Read 7 tweets
Jun 8th 2019
A THREAD for Trooping the Colour, marking the official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II in Britain.

Expect a full turn out of royals for this annual event, including William and Kate as well as Harry and Meghan, who takes a short break from her maternity leave. #TroopingTheColour
Living outside Britain and want to see it live?
The BBC is streaming it on its YouTube channel, and it can be seen here in Canada:
Kate is wearing sunny yellow. Here she arrives at Buckingham Palace
Read 33 tweets

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