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Aug 12th 2020
Why Tulu should be included in 8th schedule of Indian Constitution?

1. Tulu is one of the ancient languages of India and it is one of the five major Dravidian languages of South India. M.S. Andronov, the Russian Linguist, states that 'Tulu has emerged as an (1/4) #Tulu Image
independent language from the Proto-Dravidian family, 2000 years back.' (M.S.Andronov: Dravidian Languages, 1970.) Robert Caldwell, another Linguist had clearly stated, 'Tulu is one of the most highly developed languages of Dravidian family of languages and (2/4)
has an equal place among the languages like Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada'. (Robert Caldwell, Comparative Grammar of Dravidian Languages, 1856.) Dr. P.S. Subrahmanyam, Professor of Linguistics, Annamalai University, (3/4)
#Tulu #Tululanguage #Tulunad
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