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Feb 22nd 2020
I’ve been working on my #medtwitter elevator pitch. Mostly because lately I seem to have lots of fleeting conversations about it.

And I know I’m not alone.

Here's what I find:

Some are sold but nervous.
Some are intrigued but don’t get it.

And a lot are precontemplative.
I think it’s because it can seem like all #medtwitter users look the same.

Them: “I would get on Twitter but I’m not a social media person.”
Me: “Twitter is different! Even if you don’t do social media!”
Them: 😐“Nah. Can’t see it.”


Them: ✌️🏾

Elevator ride over.
But I’ve been thinking about the many different #medtwitter identities there are. Most can find a fit nestled somewhere in 1 or a few of them.

What works for each person depends on a few things:

Who you are
What you hope to get from it
What’s going on in your life

Read 22 tweets

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