I’ve been working on my #medtwitter elevator pitch. Mostly because lately I seem to have lots of fleeting conversations about it.
And I know I’m not alone.
Here's what I find:
Some are sold but nervous.
Some are intrigued but don’t get it.
And a lot are precontemplative.

I think it’s because it can seem like all #medtwitter users look the same.
Them: “I would get on Twitter but I’m not a social media person.”
Me: “Twitter is different! Even if you don’t do social media!”
Them: 😐“Nah. Can’t see it.”
Them: ✌️🏾
Elevator ride over.
But I’ve been thinking about the many different #medtwitter identities there are. Most can find a fit nestled somewhere in 1 or a few of them.
What works for each person depends on a few things:
Who you are
What you hope to get from it
What’s going on in your life
I break the #medtwitter personas into the following main groups:
1. #medtwitter consumer only
2. #medtwitter content creator
3. #medtwitter amplifier
4. #twittermittent fasting
5. #missionbased #medtwitter
You can be 1 or ALL of these at ANY point in your #twitterlife.

Okay—so let’s break these down, shall we?
The #medtwitter "consumer only" is the person who creates a Twitter account and actively gets on the platform to read and see great stuff but rarely or never tweets.
There is NOTHING wrong with this--and it's a great entry point.
Them: “Okay. I have the account. Now what?”
Start by searching for people who do things in REAL LIFE that interest you in medicine. Follow them. Also follow your own institution & professional organizations.
Be thoughtful—THAT'S the content you'll see first when you look.
With me? Cool.
So you CAN remain a consumer-only if you want. In fact, some of my favorite #MedEd people do that.
Let’s say you want to do more. And—dare I say it? You want to actually SAY something on #medtwitter.
That means you are easing into Persona #2. . . .
The #medtwitter content creator usually consumes AND shares original stuff/ideas, too.
First--ask yourself:
1. What's my jam?
2. Who are my people?
3. What could I uniquely do with my voice?
4. What info do I want to share?
5. Should it be shared here?
So clutch, man.
Know this: The content you share on #medtwitter should kind of be like meeting you. Why? Because THAT builds community and creates opportunities for you and your people.
Use care with blending your #medtwitter and your #twittertainment publicly.
I'm just saying.
Is it ok to peek at what’s trending sometimes? Sure. But know that your SHARED content/interactions WILL draw those who consume/interact with that kind of thing.
Mostly? I stick to medicine and my professional jams here. I use other #SoME for personal stuff.
Feel me?
Content created can be:
Individual original tweets
#tweetorials like @tony_breu (stringed tweets to teach something)
#tweetstoryals like @TheRealDoctorT, me
Infographics like @AliceTangMD & @cjchiu
Twitterchats/Journal clubs a la @kidney_boy
Retweets w comments
& more
What about the #medtwitter amplifier?
They're consumers (+ content creators usually) who bring attention to others’ work, salient literature, & more.
A few great examples:
So meaningful, man
Amplifying can be done as retweets, comments, and much more. It's especially great to do when you have a large presence on #medtwitter.
I love to amplify those who are junior to me AND also my humble colleagues who are doing GREAT work that others should know about.
Life gets busy. Who can be on #medtwitter every single day? Not you.
Enter #twittermittent fasting. (Witty, I know.)
This is perfect for the #medtwitter user who is anywhere between personas 1-3 who likes to use the platform in bursts depending upon what’s going on.
An example might be:
A nephrologist engages in #NephMadness and gets on every day during those few weeks.
Then they don’t get on for a month.
Then they go to a national meeting and live tweet the whole time.
Then they don’t get on for another few months.
Make sense?
The #twittermittent faster can also slide between consumer only and content creating.
For example:
When my family went to Africa last year, I chose to periodically look at #medtwitter. But my created content was zero.
How you roll here? That's up to you.
Remember that.

Last but not least: #missionbased #medtwitter (MBMT)
Okay, so this can look a lot of ways and mostly applies to content creators. MBMT allows you to amplify an issue, a cause, a professional interest, or salient events related to your passion.
This can be really powerful.
For example:
Storytelling on #medtwitter is mission-based for me. The mission? Humanism in medicine and medical education. #DEI stuff. #MedEd through stories. Wellness.
@IDdocAdi brilliantly uses humor for mission-based tweeting about antibiotic stewardship.
Some mission-based tweeting gets political—which can be powerful. Just be thoughtful and know it reflects you professionally.
Here’s what I say:
#Twitteryou should not be completely different than #realyou. If #realyou lobbies and talks politics? Do YOU.
Make sense?
So now? It goes more like this:
Them: “I thought about Twitter but it’s too much.”
Me: “It’s a great professional resource. I suggest just getting an account & consuming/viewing content only as a start.”
Them: *listening*
Me: “I can show you how if you want.”

Last--#medtwitter has opened doors to opportunities to do what I really love doing professionally. As my WHOLE self.
How? Because your content gives people a glimpse of YOU.
Which THEN gives us a better platform to amplify & sponsor others.
How dope is that?