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Jan 31st 2022
🚨ACTION ALERT🚨Student resistance at Brown University. Students Against Koch Influence have demands for Brown’s leadership: NO MORE KOCH INFLUENCE.
Why? Well…. It could be Charles Koch and his dark network undermining democracy……
It could be Brown’s commitment to climate…
Read 6 tweets
Dec 1st 2021
Today, the Supreme Court heard arguments surrounding #abortion today, so it’s a good time to reflect on Koch involvement in the restriction of reproductive rights. 1/10 #DobbsvJackson
The Koch network has long been involved in the fight against safe, quality reproductive health options, supporting some of the most active anti-abortion organizations: Alliance Defending Freedom, Concerned Women for America, Focus on the Family, and more over the years. 2/10
The Koch network has poured tens of millions of dollars into organizations like the Center to Protect Patient Rights and Freedom Partner, both of which spent millions in promoting anti-choice legislation and candidates. 3/10
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Nov 30th 2021
On 10/27 we were sent a PDF of a new journal article, “Donor money and the academy: Perceptions of undue donor pressure in political science, economics, and philosophy” by Sage Owens & Kal Alvers-Lynde III, who claimed to be econ profs at UCLA
It sent up numerous 🚩 🚩 🚩 and we began to investigate. Unable to find either “professor” on UCLA’s Dept of Economics website, we called the dept on 11/4 & confirmed that there has never been anyone of either name employed there. A follow up email provided written documentation
On 11/4 we followed up with the publisher, Higher Education Quarterly, who confirmed the names of the two authors, because that was the only information they had! Between this, UCLA’s confirmation, and an in depth internet search, we knew we were dealing with something suspicious
Read 12 tweets
Nov 13th 2020
Our executive director, Jasmine Banks, was contacted to comment on this piece. Her comment did not make the final edits, and we are sure you can imagine why…
This article is a gaslight to the highest degree. It is not unlike what we've seen Trump do to our nation-- say one thing and attempt to coerce us to believe their words over what we've witnessed and lived.
Maya Angelou taught us that when someone shows us who they are, we should believe them the first time. Koch's investments have material outcomes. Those outcomes demonstrate what he believes. Budgets are moral documents.
Read 12 tweets

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