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May 4th 2023
One piece of advice from an expert UX Writer to a beginner writer? Please don't niche down too early; stop overthinking it; just write! Why should you listen to me?

Well, I'm Kat, a proud generalized specialist ( what I call the T - SHAPED WRITER ). I'm a UX writer on Toptal's Image
core team. Before that, I had written remotely for international and local brands. But it wasn't always that way. I had worked in a content mill before, where I wrote for 1 naira per word, which is less than a dollar ( way cheaper than a writer's lifeblood - coffee). I have also
written in many verticals: finance, real estate, gardening, automobiles, health, relationships, business, gaming, you name it. I've also held several titles: staff content writer, content developer, copywriter, SEO copywriter, UX writer, content designer, product writer, etc. But
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Aug 18th 2022
89% of consumers research online before purchasing, and 88% say they won't return to a site after a bad experience, yet very few #websites successfully meet users' expectations.

Here are 4 tips to ensure your #UXcopy meets users' needs for a smooth experience & conversion.
🧵 Image
1. Develop a Content Strategy:

A content strategy helps you align your goal as a business with your audience's expectations through content. Think of it as the vehicle that helps convey the right content, to the right people, in the right place, at the right time.

2. Draw a
customer journey map: 

As a business, your goals (perspective) and users aren't the same. Where you're trying to attract a person, the person is investigating and comparing options. So a journey map puts you in their shoes and helps you predict their expectations per time.

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