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Jun 3rd 2020
Someone needs to rekindle the #2ndCivilWar tag.

My Dearest Ashton,
We’ve looted Cheesecake Factory but now suffer from upset tummies. Isabella & Tristan say they’ve heard word from Best Buy that all the big screens are already gone. My heart is broken.
Your beloved Brent
Dearest Brent,
Tis true, all that’s left in Best Buy are the vacuums and a couple wash machines. Jenny suffered a scraped knee crawling through the window and we had to put a tourniquet on her. She’s still crying. War is hell.
Your loving BFF Ashton
Darling Dylan,
Tho we succeeded burning down 3 low income housing buildings, I still feel like I haven’t done enough to stop racism. I’ve loaded up some pallets of bricks & await instructions. Looting the Nike store feels necessary. My best shoes are sooty.
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