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Jan 4th 2019
1. #PaulWhelan: Well, well, well. Four passports. Anyone who has ever studied the real CIA knows that they don't run a NOC like that. So who is Whelan? First, when SecPompeo first spoke my method acting training alerted me to his deception. He knows who he is. I'm 80% certain.
2. So this is the theory I'm working with. It's my template into which I will plug the puzzle pieces. This could be 100% wrong and it is unlikely to be 100% right. It is process. Not a result. I look at facts, conditions and motives. Here is where I am today.
3. First as I have posted, Butina has already given up most of what she has. She agreed to polygraphs so the counter-intel @FBIWFO know what is true and what is false. Getting her back may be a PR move for Putin or debriefing (torturing) her would likely find out who she burned.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 31st 2018
Russia’s arrest of American Paul Whelan on spy charges seems a convenient lever to end admitted agent Maria Butina’s cooperation. Just last week Putin hinted w/ this denial: “we will not arrest innocent people simply to exchange them for someone else later”
CNN reports more on Paul #Whelan, American arrested in #Russia for allegedly "carrying out an act of espionage"
-born in Canada
-lives in Michigan
-ex US Marine
-works in corporate security
-was in Moscow to attend friend's wedding
-didn't show bc FSB arrested him
(family source)
Russia's FSB arrested former Marine Paul Whelan Dec 28. State Dept? Crickets. Pompeo's in Brazil praising an authoritarian while the world's most aggressive authoritarian VV Putin has essentially kidnapped a US citizen. Putin's dream was to emasculate GosDep. Mission Accomplished
Read 17 tweets

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