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Dec 13th 2019
@HouseJudiciary @JudiciaryGOP @RepJerryNadler @RepDougCollins
Would be mindful to remind all House Congressional Judiciary members, I as one American, heard what I heard w my own ears, saw what I saw w my own eyes.
As drafted, AoI are clearly succinct, exacting.
@HouseJudiciary @JudiciaryGOP @RepJerryNadler @RepDougCollins

Bottom line, dear #HouseJudiciaryCmteMembers the obfuscation, deflection, distraction, detraction is expounding RF talking points that too many @GOP [Repr/Sen] are putting into the stratosphere.
@HouseJudiciary @JudiciaryGOP @RepJerryNadler @RepDougCollins

@Jim_Jordan’s amendment is tantamount to allow an indicted #Individual1 to run for public office.
It’s personal in that #DonaldJohnTrump isn’t serving the American People well, not for the public good.
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