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Mar 21st 2023
Romantic poetry is the poetry of sentiments, emotions & imagination. Muslim cultures have a long tradition of poetry, celebrating beauty in the world

For #WorldPoetryDay a thread of romantic poetic lines in Farsi, Arabic, Urdu, Pashto, Turkish, Malay & more with @poetryandgahwa
If I were a flower, I would have given away all my petals for your love

Romantic poetic lines in Urdu #WorldPoetryDay
With you, I am like a flower that proudly blooms

Romantic poetic lines in Kurdish #WorldPoetryDay
Read 13 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
Four hundred years old
They told:
The old Acacia tree.
Holding head high
In the arid wilderness
Of the desert.
Centuries came and went.
Its branches grew
And spread all over.
Across the desert floor. 1/n
Its no more just a tree.
But a community.
Of defiance.
Of weathering.
Standing tall.
Despite what goes on.
Around her.
Time’s slowed down
For the old Acacia. 2/n
Centuries ply by.
Like merely years.
The world changes.
But not the desert.
The Most Defiant One.
Old Acacia Tree of Life

#WorldPoetryDay #WorldPoetryDay2022
Read 4 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
On #WorldPoetryDay, we bring you the tale of how a close personal loss on the battlefield of World War I inspired one of the most iconic war poems of all time - a thread (1/n)
On August 4, 1914, when Britain declared war on Imperial Germany, John McCrae, a 41-year old Canadian physician and amateur poet was on a ship to the British Isles, looking forward to a welcome vacation (2/n)
Destiny had other plans though. A veteran of the Boer War, McCrae volunteered to join the Royal Canada Expeditionary Force as a medical officer and gunner. He was part of the 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery and was part of the 2nd Battle of Ypres (3/n)
Read 12 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
The icy winds knifed through my sinews
On a cold December morn.
Did the solitary monk atop the last bit of Indian precipice
On a cold December night feel the same?
Its easy to snuggle under a blanket
Retire under a razai. 1/n
But visions and dreams rarely ever
Get realized hitting the bed !
So whats your excuse today
Or reason to keep you awake
And dream the great vision
To make lasting change?
Get up. Plan. Act. 2/n
Let indolence of a millennium
Be shred to pieces.
Rishihood is in your DNA,
What are you waiting for ?

Read 4 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
From the very earliest stages in the Islamic literary tradition, poetry has reflected the deepest sense of Muslim self-identity, communal history, & aspirations for the future

To mark #WorldPoetryDay we are celebrating 14 Muslim poets who continue this tradition

A thread…
1/ UK based Bahraini writer & poet @ali_mn_aljamri is passionate about Bahraini history, human rights & decolonising education.

Writing in Arabic & English, he was recently appointment as one of 3 Manchester Multilingual City Poets #WorldPoetryDay…
2/ Poet Shagufta K Iqbal’s work is personal, intimate & sometimes both bruising – & tender. She uses poetry to reach out & engage with people whose experiences are not reflected within mainstream arts #WorldPoetryDay…
Read 18 tweets
Mar 21st 2021
Twitter tells me it's #WorldPoetryDay. Here's a thread of 15 poems by Asian American poets to read & hear today. Feel free to add your favorites.
"Choi Jeong Min" by @fannychoir
Lawson Fusao Inada, “Healing Gila”…
Read 16 tweets
Mar 21st 2019
For #WorldPoetryDay I'd like to highlight three of my favorite contemporary poets who are NOT on Twitter / generally social media, because I feel they are at a disadvantage when it comes to hashtags like this one.
Shweta Narayan writes both poetry and fiction, and has been a Nebula finalist for fiction. But now I am talking about poetry :)

Their work engages with disability, migration, gender and Indian themes, among other things -
and I especially appreciate how these poems do NOT Carefully Explain themselves to the reader. There is no handholding and sugarcoating, there is no "also, this is about X, Y, Z thing if you haven't noticed".

I strive to be brave like this. It takes bravery.
Read 26 tweets
Mar 21st 2019
This #WorldPoetryDay I would like to know why the metric structure in so many rhyming children's books is so, so bad
"Could he be blue, like a whale,
A big blue whale with a tale?"
This doesn't scan at all GET IT TOGETHER RAINBOW ROB
I promise you this: when I get around to writing out the cricket story in verse that shit is gonna be airtight
Read 3 tweets
Mar 22nd 2018
Monolith -- for #worldpoetryday
Down he came, the Southern monolith

A dramatic end to old fashioned values.

For centuries he stood for folks to worship

Reminding me of a past I could only condemn.

Murderous, ruthless, hate-filled actions

Long over, yet clouding my vision, as smoke.
Through a haze of smoke

I strain to see what modern monolith

We could possibly erect to commemorate our actions.

Selfishness, greed, excess, are our values.

Who will my children grow up to condemn?

Will there be any ideals remaining for them to worship?
Read 9 tweets

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