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May 21st 2022
1/ Map Update #UkraineMap #Russian, launched an offensive to storm the city of #Studenok #Студенок
Ru aim is to take #Studenok & #Pyshyb on one part & Olexandrivka on the other part (pincer mvt) then pin downed UA troops and move the threat to #Lyman ASAP.
#Ukraine #ukrainemap
2/ Nobody can really tell the exact limit of RU or UA army, but we do know where Ru tried and failed and where UA are still fighting.. so.. I produced the map above with all the "limits" of my knowledge but without crazy claims!
also here a specific hig res topo of #Studenok iw
3/ by the very famous and "infamous" use of the FIRMS imagery (I lol almost evry time i see phony armchair basement twitos using it)... and I let you think it through... ;-)
(couple of day grouping infos ... quite easy to get that one)
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