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Apr 28th 2020
Thread #Tripoli
•Is leading a riot in #Lebanon
•Lost a young man who was shot by the army.

Which is why this video is a reminder from October 2019 - back when Tripoli set the bar so high for all other Lebanese cities with its protests
#LebanonProtests #طرابلس_تنتفض

•Remember when the whole world and the international media praised the Tripoli protests?

More memories from October 2019 and the #LebanonProtests #طرابلس_تنتفض #طرابلس
This square was the heart of the revolution back in October 2019 - today its the heart of a riot.

The people of #Tripoli deserve peace and respect, not loaded guns pointed at them to protect local banks that robbed us all in #Lebanon.

#LebanonProtests #طرابلس_تنتفض
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