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Sep 14, 2018, 29 tweets

If I were a psychopath with $21 trillion dollars, I would probably build a reptilian space pope. I’d splice the genes of a reptile with a human and create a hairless hybrid simpleton I could control from my cell phone... @davidicke jtrue.com/blog/reptilian…

#SpaceForce might not mean what we think it means. Why would we poke out the eyes of the Lucifer telescope system?

The telescope shutdowns are only a week after the #NASA self-disclosure over the bullet hole. What is it with these magic bullets anyways? This got no attention but is related to the telescopes and #SpaceForce. #QAnon

The #Vatican owns more telescopes than any other NGO. Look what is happening to the Vatican now. Their control over pedophilia and manipulated space are being dismantled in a very surgical way. The Holy See got its eyes poked out metaphorically. #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening

What's next for #SpaceForce? Ever hear of red-shift anomaly? You lose telescope time at an observatory for reporting them. The data is trashed b/c it contradicts an expansion model of the galaxy. Why would the HolySee want the BigBang? The answer is Psychology. #QAnon #disclosure

Why is the BigBang the only theory taught in school? If it's the only idea given, is it a theory? Or is it programming? Use your gnosis to uncover the psychological results of a BigBang. How big do you feel in a universe that's 13.8 billion years old? How powerful? #SpaceForce

Hollywood is the eye of fame.
The Vatican is the eye of shame.
One tells you you're huge, the other tells you you're tiny.
Gnosis sees the wizard behind the veil.
Truth will always be perceived directly.
Lies will always be anonymous.
#SpaceForce is #disclosure #QAnon

What is the psychology of being told 96% of the universe is "dark." And this dark energy can only be perceived by a few elite astrologers? How does this psychology change your perceptions? Do you feel more confident in yourself or less? #mkultra #QAnon

The BigBang is flawed. It contradicts itself in cosmic homogeneity (evenness). We have binary clusters with two stars interacting with each other yet with vastly different red shifts proving red shift does NOT explain distance. But the BigBang is based on red-shift measurements.

Einstein's gravity placed Sir Isaac Newton on a pedestal while dismissing Nikola Tesla. Einstein was a #psyop, not a scientist. You have to put your gnosis on and remember the goals of the psychopathic elite. Tesla has always been right about the nature of our world. #QAnon

Tesla believed in the electric universe. He proved it every day. The psyop of Einstein was created to destroy the belief in aether. A nebulous plasma all around us and the stuff of free energy. Tesla always insisted to look within not without. Not a word about space popes. #QAnon

Tesla's theory was destroyed by a #psyop. Einstein discredited Tesla's aether by claiming all the rulers in space and time were warped. Einstein dismissed real data on pure conjecture. Einstein didn't even have to prove it. He simply called it, "relativity." #QAnon

Stop the rumors our government is defending us from reptilian space popes. We need to stop energizing black-op lies. We need to listen to our bones! Tesla said look within, not without. $21 Trillion and Crowley explains everything. We need our minds on earth now. @Jordan_Sather_

These are real aliens and they are weirder than anything cooked up in a black ops lab. We need patriot's focus back on the ground where we can #decentralize. We need our focus back. Relativity is a psyop that's here to make you feel small, stupid and powerless. #TheGreatAwakening

If u missed my article up top it explains how the psychopath Aleister Crowley created LAM (evil spelled backwards). LAM would be the NWO's godhead conceived by the wickedest man in the world. This sketch was LAM before they found $21 trillion and could engineer one w/ DNA. #QAnon

Hiroshima and Nagasaki ...
Do these pics look like a nuclear weapon explosions? Or firebombs? (1st is firebomb, next 2 are nuclear). Why does everyone know E=MC2? Why does everyone know about the BigBang? How does Stephen Hawking live to be 76 with ALS? He was a puppet. #QAnon

E=MC2. Think. What's more dangerous - a nuclear bomb? Or the idea of one? Is the illusion the same as possession? Be the wickedest man in the world for a moment. What ideas would you inject to boot humanity in the neck? #QAnon #SpaceForce

Relativity tells us we have four North Poles now. Relativity told us we are rotating around the sun at ten times the speed of sound while spinning 1000 miles per hour on our axis. Relativity told us it was all b/c of gravity in a vacuum. But space is not a vacuum. It's aether.

Picture yourself still for a moment. Create the universe in your beautiful mind and stop the spin. Stop your rotation. Bring it down slowly. Slow your orbit around the sun. Slow below the sound barrier. We can hear ourselves again. Keep going. Feel yourself still. You are home.

All you can truly know is here at home. You know their track record for lying. They can't lie when you are still. You can listen for yourself here. What is the #psyop of spinning faster than the speed of sound? How does spinning feel psychologically? Can you hear yourself think?

You can't believe in free energy and aliens. Aliens require evolution with light years of distance between trillion-year-old fornicating pondscum fishmonkeys. The electric universe is a simple localized plasma bubble over an electrical ground. #QAnon #SpaceForce is #disclosure

Why ignore Tesla and buy into black-ops? Why would we agree with Podesta who wanted the honor of releasing alien disclosure to the people? He wanted to be the tongue of the lie. Who is that tongue now? Is your world a warm plasma or a cold vacuum? Which one is the psyop? #QAnon

Tesla is levitation, not anti-gravity. Tesla's electric universe is a world of plasma and density. Beware of hypnotists selling you gravity and Tesla in the same bottle. Beware of black-ops, secrets, or "he's been heavily vetted." If it's new to you, it has NOT been vetted. Ever.

Free energy is a white paper not a talisman and liars are psychopaths not lizards. Take off your shoes and place your feet in the ground. A bazillion electrons come pouring into the circuitry of your skin as you breathe plasma from the center of a single electric universe. Home.

The PsyOp of Dualism: How does a checkerboard affect your mind? Doesn't it teeter your compass between two poles? Meanwhile your true north is forgotten in a "choice" between black or white. This is the trance of the columns. Weigh every feather that's been placed on your mind.

PsyOp of Dimensions: How does it feel to be splintered in 10 dimensions after being told you are a simulation in an exploded metaverse? Small? Fractional? Couldn't you train an alter with this psychology? Is a splintered mind powerful? Do dimensional reptilians make you nervous?

With dimensionality and internet growth, our children consider the cyber world to be a valid dimension. We will lose them in time because we buy into the romance of dualism. It all starts from a seed. Baphomet hides behind a veil of Yin/Yang and the psychology of "balance."

The mind is spun by the gyroscope of dualism on two poles. It gives you an illusion of gravity. Relativism. Let that spin subsided. Slow it down in your mind. Let the stable stillness of ground speak over the centrifugal force of programmed hypnosis. Call this stillness home.

Do you stand tall in a Big Bang? Beware a theory that leaves you a piece of gruel in dark cosmic spittle. You are a living Sequoia of skin and breath. Let the moon see your fingertips reach for splendor. Unlock your psychology from the barrel of monkeys.

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