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A project of Climate Analytics (@CA_Latest) and NewClimate Institute (@newclimateinst).

Dec 11, 2018, 6 tweets

With government #ParisAgreement commitments, global warming in 2100 will be 3.0˚C - twice the agreed 1.5˚C limit. With current policies, it’ll be higher, at 3.3˚C. We have just released our annual update at #COP24…

We have a new, optimistic scenario - the policies that have been promised and discussed but not yet implemented - this will get warming back to the #ParisAgreement #NDC level of 3.0˚C #COP24

Looking more deeply into Government action we can see some stirring of #climate policies on the ground. We've got a new set of ratings that explain it. First, our "best in class" ... if #India were to abandon #coal, it could be #1o5C Compatible. #COP24

And onto the worst of the lot - the countries that are holding the world back, with little to no progress #COP24 #ParisAgreement - read our full report here…

Group 2 - clear progress from some countries with their policies on the ground, although still a way to go to meet anything like their #ParisAgreement #COP24 commitment. #1o5C

And our final group of countires, who've made minor progress, and still need to take significant #climate action to get anywhere near #1o5C #COP24 #ParisAgreement

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