John Cutler Profile picture
I like the beautiful mess of product development.| newsletter:

Jun 30, 2019, 13 tweets

Some lists and tables from over the last couple years. Yes, there’s a level of obsession (or something) here. But I enjoy it. #prodmgmt #ux #design #agile #orgdesign #lean @Amplitude_HQ

1/13 Our intuition says...instead try

2/13 Evolving product manager role...

3/13 From .... Towards

4/13 Good process... Bad process...

5/13 What is sitting in inventory?

6/13 12-step program for recovering product managers

7/13 Safety lets us...

8/13 What you say ... what they think/hear

9/13 Before adding new process...consider:

10/13 Less...more...

11/13 Management: “Why aren’t we getting anything done?”

12/13 Clues! Signals!

13/13 Feels like fast ... is actually faster

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