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Jul 22, 2019, 13 tweets

THREAD: Most reporting on DFA's July 2019 Presidential Pulse Poll results that we released today will be focused on the current top-lines, there's a TON of fascinating info right beneath the surface.

Let's take a little time & chat about them.

First: the way the top-five candidates in our Presidential Pulse Polls have changed (& occasionally haven't) over time is fascinating.

@BernieSanders has been strong throughout, but the growing support for @ewarren and @KamalaHarris since Dec. 2018 is v. noteworthy.

@BernieSanders @ewarren @KamalaHarris The changing dynamics of progressive's top-5 in our July 2019, April 2019, and December 2018 Presidential Pulse Pols is more pronounced in this graph.

Check out: @ewarren's rapid growth over the last three months... also @BetoORourke & @PeteButtigieg rapid rises & descents.

@BernieSanders @ewarren @KamalaHarris @BetoORourke @PeteButtigieg One interesting comparative:

Between our Dec. 2018 and April 2019 polls, @BetoORourke lose 70% of his support -- mostly to @PeteButtigieg.

Three months later, from April 2019 to July 2019, @PeteButtigieg lost the momentum he had by a similar margin (60%).

@BernieSanders @ewarren @KamalaHarris @BetoORourke @PeteButtigieg Other #unexpected results:

While three Senators (@BernieSanders, @ewarren, & @KamalaHarris) top of our July 2019 Pulse Poll, none of the other Senators in the race (@amyklobuchar, @CoryBooker, @gillibrandny, @MichaelBennet) break double digits.


@BernieSanders @ewarren @KamalaHarris @BetoORourke @PeteButtigieg @amyklobuchar @CoryBooker @gillibrandny @MichaelBennet One neat part of the @DFAaction Presidential Pulse Poll is that we ask folks for their rank-ordered top 3.

This means we can look at both head-to-head results & see who's leading the fight for "second choice" -- something really important in the iterative nomination contest.

@BernieSanders @ewarren @KamalaHarris @BetoORourke @PeteButtigieg @amyklobuchar @CoryBooker @gillibrandny @MichaelBennet .@ewarren's +10 lead in the fight for "second choice" in the July 2019 DFA Presidential Pulse Poll is incredibly important & could be easily missed on first glance -- it suggests as others leave the race, she might be the big beneficiary.

@BernieSanders @ewarren @KamalaHarris @BetoORourke @PeteButtigieg @amyklobuchar @CoryBooker @gillibrandny @MichaelBennet The strength of @ewarren's overall & second choice standing in this poll means that, right now, in a head-to-head race with @BernieSanders, Warren would win 54% to 46%.

That’s a MASSIVE 54 point swing from our April 2019 Presidential Pulse Poll.

@BernieSanders @ewarren @KamalaHarris @BetoORourke @PeteButtigieg @amyklobuchar @CoryBooker @gillibrandny @MichaelBennet DFA's July 2019 Presidential Pulse Poll was also the first time we've asked folks about what their top 3 issues were heading into the contest.

We saw another #unexpected result here too:

The #GreenNewDeal just barely edged out #MedicareForAll as the top issue for progressives.

@BernieSanders @ewarren @KamalaHarris @BetoORourke @PeteButtigieg @amyklobuchar @CoryBooker @gillibrandny @MichaelBennet Asking respondents about their top issues also provided a powerful lens to begin understanding what drives support for some candidates.

Despite @JoeBiden being more or less agnostic about calls to #ImpeachTrump, it was the TOP issue for his supporters in our 7/19 Pulse Poll.

@BernieSanders @ewarren @KamalaHarris @BetoORourke @PeteButtigieg @amyklobuchar @CoryBooker @gillibrandny @MichaelBennet @JoeBiden Not dissimilarly, @AndrewYang’s surprisingly strong finish in our 7/19 Pulse poll (#5) is undoubtedly tied to the white-hot interest his supporters have in universal basic income (#UBI).

The link between Yang supporters and UBI (72%) is by far & away the strongest in our poll.

@BernieSanders @ewarren @KamalaHarris @BetoORourke @PeteButtigieg @amyklobuchar @CoryBooker @gillibrandny @MichaelBennet @JoeBiden @AndrewYang We're not certain that @AndrewYang makes it to the debate stage in September, but our 7/19 poll results surrounding #UBI make clear the profound impact he's already having on this race -- and the kind of bold ideas progressives' will be prioritizing in the future.

@BernieSanders @ewarren @KamalaHarris @BetoORourke @PeteButtigieg @amyklobuchar @CoryBooker @gillibrandny @MichaelBennet @JoeBiden @AndrewYang All in all, DFA's 7/19 Presidential Pulse poll relayed some fascinating info about where the race is ahead of next week's debates in Detroit.

Play w/ the results themselves here:

And read our analysis in full here:…


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