Doctors of the World Profile picture
Before, during, after a crisis. 💙 Our volunteer doctors and nurses will be here.

Jul 25, 2019, 6 tweets

We are #hiring to support the #Ebola response in #DRC. Ebola or #cholera experience needed, must speak French. Departure early August or September. See the thread for positions ⬇️

We need a #Project #Coordinator for the #Ebola response in #DRC. Ebola or #cholera experience needed, must speak French. Help save lives. Find our more and apply – email

Looking for a #Nurse #Supervisor for the #Ebola response in #DRC. Ebola or #cholera experience needed, must speak French. Help save lives. Find our more and apply – email

#WASH #expert needed for the #Ebola response in #DRC. Ebola or #cholera experience needed, must speak French. Help save lives. Find our more and apply – email

Role in #Logistics for the #Ebola response in #DRC. Ebola or #cholera experience needed, must speak French. Help save lives. Find our more and apply – email

Position in #admin / #finance for the #Ebola response in #DRC. Ebola or #cholera experience needed, must speak French. Help save lives. Find our more and apply – email

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