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The @EpochTimes Senior Editor 🇨🇦🇺🇸 (❤🇵🇱🇭🇰🇹🇼) • @AmThoughtLeader host • https://t.co/Kaf9ohTLbz holocaust doc🎦 producer. ALERTS👉https://t.co/P7CZq83IwA

Aug 24, 2019, 6 tweets

🔴SATURDAY EVENING: Steve Bannon joins me on @EpochTimes American Thought Leaders🇺🇸

We discuss his film Claws Of The Red Dragon clawsofthereddragon.com exposing #Huawei, which he describes as “greatest national security threat we have ever faced.”

WATCH: youtube.com/c/AmericanThou…

@EpochTimes 🔴 PREMIERE 9:30pm ET:

#China: “The Chinese Communist Party is the Frankenstein monster created by the elites in the West—the capital… [and] technology that’s provided by the elites in the West.”

#SteveBannon on @EpochTimes’ American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸

@EpochTimes 🔴LIVE:

#HongKong: “When you see the tear gas, you see the beatings, you see the rubber bullets, you see exactly what they are. This is a gangster organization that doesn’t believe in any individual rights.”

#SteveBannon on American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸

@EpochTimes “You see the unrelenting power of the Chinese Communist Party in its technology arm, Huawei, that will stop at nothing to achieve its goals."

#SteveBannon discusses his new Huawei expose film Claws of the Red Dragon on American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸


@EpochTimes “The people of #China are some of the most hardworking, decent people on earth. They're enslaved by a radical totalitarian surveillance state of the Chinese Communist Party.”

#SteveBannon on American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸


@EpochTimes The new film "Claws of the Red Dragon," executive produced by #SteveBannon, exposes the intimate ties between telecom giant Huawei and the Chinese Communist Party.

Read more & watch the trailer: theepochtimes.com/upcoming-film-…

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