@Dystopia - #StandWithHongKong Profile picture
Human Rights Activist, Revolutionist - #HongKongProtests 🇭🇰 #FridaysForFreedom

Sep 29, 2019, 7 tweets

#Wanchai - a reporter was shot in his right eye. Source said he has been shot by *Rubber Bullet* & is now conscious.
#灣仔 柯布連道天橋上有記者懷疑中流彈右眼和額頭受傷。有指該名記者被 #橡膠子彈 打中,現時清醒。

#HKPoliceTerrorism #HKPoliceState #PressFreedom #中大校園電台

The reporter is from #Indonesia - Ms. Veby Mega Indah, from Suara News.

This is an attempted murder.
This is #HKPoliceState.

#hkpolicebrutality #HKPoliceTerrorism #PressFreedom #discoverhongkong

Source said a Protester was shot in his eye by a #TearGas canister in Admiralty, unconscious but #HKPolice REFUSED medical attention for him.

示威者疑被 #催淚彈 擊中,彈殼停留在眼部位置,倒在地上全無反應,警方拒絕讓急救員救援
Source: HKUSU

#HumanitarianCrisis #HKprotests

SNIPER shooting from rooftop in Admiralty - this is a cold-blood #murder from #HKPolice, HKGov& #CCP evil regime. #SOSHK

#HumanitarianCrisis #AntiHumanity #HKPoliceTerrorism @UN @UNOCHA @MSF @amnesty @amnestychinese @tictoc @JoshuaPotash @realKyleOlbert

A girl’s clothing is TORN by #HKPolice while being detained. She’s been forced to *exposure to public* with underwear only.

No evidence proving she’s a #hkprotester; even if she is, NO ONE deserve #antihuman treatment like this.

#MeToo #HKPoliceTerrorism #AntiChiNazi #天滅中共

The very EXACT moment when #Indonesia Reporter Ms. Indah was shot in her right eye in Wanchai covering #HongKongProtest.

“First aid! First aid!” she yelled.

#SOSHK #HKPoliceTerrorism
#PressFreedom #天滅中共 #antiChiNazi

another SOLID proof of #HKPoliceTerrorism - wait for 0:03

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