Mr. Sune H. Sorensen AKA The Librarian Profile picture
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Jan 14, 2020, 7 tweets

The SIPRI 'Top 100 Arms-producing & #military services companies 2018' holds some interesting #insights on global defence spending and the industry that serves it:… #GlobalTrends Some takeaways...(1/7)

2/7 The worlds 'Top 100 Arms-producing & military services companies from SIPRI does not include #China's #defence companies but if they did at least 3 cos would be in the Top 10...#GlobalTrends

3/7 Global #defence industry: The major players are #US companies where an increasingly concentrated group of giants are harnessing both the expanded US defence spending as well as those of its allies..#GlobalTrends

4/7 Share of arms sales of companies in the SIPRI Top 100 (2018) by country..(Not inc. China)...

5/7 Global defence spending trends, worth noting that #India is not matching rhetoric with actual spending at least not from the local arms industry...#GlobalTrend #Geopolitics #IndoPacificStrategy

6/7 Global #defence industry sales top 15 companies compared with top 15 global manufacturing companies...#GlobalTrends

7/7 The SIPRI 2018 Top 100 arms-producing & #military services companies in the world (Ex. China)...#DefenceSector #GlobalTrends

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