#NovaScotia has historically been one of the world’s largest suppliers of #gypsum. The mine in #Milford is the world's largest surface gypsum mine. Gypsum’s main use is as an ingredient in wallboard.
#nspoli #cbpoli #NS #CB #capebreton
@KeithIrvingNS @mmillershubie @EastHantsNS
When #gypsum mining started in #NovaScotia in the late 1700s, it was done by farmers who extracted blocks from their farms, hauled it by horse and cart to #Windsor and sold it to local traders. It was then exported to the US east coast for use as fertilizer.
#nspoli #ns
#Gypsum fixes alkaline (high pH) soil. US inventor #BenFranklin learned this from the French and brought the idea to the US in 1785.
#nspoli #cbpoli #NovaScotia #CapeBreton #NS #cb
Wallboard (aka drywall) was invented in the United States in 1918. Plaster made from #gypsum was sandwiched between two sheets of paper and within ten years, large scale production was revolutionizing the construction industry.
#nspoli #cbpoli #NovaScotia #capebreton #NS #cb
This changed the #gypsum industry in #NovaScotia as vertically-integrated, international companies brought economies of scale and more advanced equipment to the province. Wallboard also meant that most gypsum would now be used for construction purposes, not fertilizer.
Safety is the main reason #gypsum is used in wallboard. It contains a significant amount of water at the molecular level and is therefore fire resistant. 100 pounds of gypsum rock contains approximately 21 pounds of water.
#nspoli #cbpoli #novascotia #capebreton #NS #CB
This is the former #Walton #gypsum quarry in #EastHants, #NovaScotia. It started producing in the 1800s and continued until 1972. Today the quarry, like many other former mines and quarries, is a lovely lake.
#nspoli #cbpoli #capebreton #ns #cb
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