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Curiosités juridiques : Décisions de justice made in U.S.A. – paru en juillet 2022 chez @EnrickBEditions. Traducteur juridique, auteur & chargé de cours à Lille

Feb 19, 2020, 5 tweets

#Law and #gender | Interesting #statistics : In #France, 66% of judges are women, despite only about half of the population being female.

#law #droit #justice #judges #courts #LawTwitter #AppellateTwitter #genderequality #socialjustice

Compare that to the U.S.: with roughly the same overall percentage of women in the population, only 34% of state court judges and 27% of Article III federal judges are women.

How 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 something like this happen?

My guess? The way they're selected.

In state courts, almost all judges are elected (90%).

In federal courts, judges are appointed by the U.S. President.

(This guy ⤵️)

The way judges are recruited in France clearly show less gender bias.

What would happen if the U.S. created a National School for the Judiciary like the French ENM ( ;…), and the states followed suit?

Let's just say it would be ⤵️

For raw numbers on gender equality in the judiciary:

In France :…

In U.S. state courts:…

In U.S. federal courts:…

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