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Capitol Hill Correspondent @NewsNation • Metro-Detroit • Proudly Lebanese 🇱🇧 • @ColumbiaJourn • #Sparty @ShirinRajaee’s Husband & Selma’s Dad :) Stay Hungry!

Feb 26, 2020, 28 tweets

It only took 1 question for #Bloomberg to bring up #RussianInterference on behalf of #Bernie -to his credit he once again vehemently condemned it #DemDebate2020 #DemDebate

Pretty clear early on that #BernieSanders isn’t gonna get away from this debate unscathed, like virtually every #DemDebate before this one #DemDebate2020

Joe Biden hits Bernie on his record on guns, invoking Mother Emmanuel church shooting. The first time he’s being challenged on that in a serious way #DemDebate2020 #DemDebate

“I’m hearing my name tonight, I wonder why.” -#BernieSanders lol

Effective response from #MayorPete, hitting back on Bernie’s criticism that he accepts campaign donations from uber rich donors #DemDebate2020 #DemDebate #NexstarDC

“None of us have the experience...” #MayorPete says let’s acknowledge we have 7 white people on this stage talking about racial equality. #DemDebate #DemDebate2020 #NexstarDC

Mayor Bloomberg every time Elizabeth Warren starts talking

“Let is have the women have the opportunity to speak.” -Elizabeth Warren, a little deja vu here #DemDebate #DemDebate2020 #NexstarDC

Couldn’t help but notice the booing in the crowd as Elizabeth Warren first brought up the NDA issue #DemDebate #DemDebate2020 #NexstarDC

Everybody on stage has taken at least one shot at Bernie already, some nice (Steyer) some not so nice. It’s not his first front-runner debate, but feels like it now, doesn’t it? #DemDebate #DemDebate2020 #NexstarDC

“It’s time for us to stop acting like the presidency is the only office that matters.” -#MayorPete makes the sharpest argument against a #Bernie Candidacy. He says that would mean Kevin McCarthy Speaker of the House, Mitch McConnell keeping the Senate #DemDebate #NexstarDC

Biden got loud cheers in this South Carolina audience when he got a bit loud and aggressive. Not sure that works for him with the rest of the electorate. To me he’s not his sharpest or most authentic when it feels like he’s screaming at you #DemDebate #DemDebate2020 #NexstarDC

Something important to remember -the audience is very likely not reflective of Democratic voters as a whole. Keep that in mind as you hear the rly harsh Bernie booing #DemDebate #DemDebate2020

Not grading Joe Biden on a curve, I’ll say for the first time this cycle I truly feel like he’s having a good debate -again, not sure how the rest of the electorate sees it. But I think he’s doin well #DemDebate2020 #DemDebate #NexstarDC

This has been the most substantive question so far, and it went to Mayor Bloomberg who isn’t on the South Carolina ballot. #DemDebate2020

That public ed question temporarily stopped the screaming #DemDebate2020 #DemDebate

Uuh what? Was that an attempt at a joke? #DemDebate2020

Margaret Brennan not havin any more of the talking over moderators. Nice to see #DemDebate2020 #DemocraticDebate #NexstarDC

Bloomberg naked cowboy joke, still not great but...better?#DemDebate2020 #DemDebate

“We are not winning in Afghanistan. We are not winning in the Middle East.” Pretty strong response on bringing home all combat troops from the Middle East #Warren #DemDebate2020 #NexstarDC

If #MayorPete’s lack of experience is supposed to be a liability on issues like foreign policy, he certainly hasn’t gotten that memo. He consistently does a good job demonstrating his understanding/competency. #DemDebate2020 #NexstarDC

Warren just turned the China cooperation question into a Bloomberg tax returns response, almost swung the whole debate that way #DemDebate2020

There was a good amount of letting the candidates go in that last exchange, and in that moment I thought it was the right move by the moderators #DemocraticDebate #DemDebate2020 #NexstarDC

This was one of the most thoughtful Q and As all night. Moderators got #Bernie to commit to as least considering moving the embassy back to Tel Aviv #DemocraticDebate #DemDebate #NexstarDC

Warrens response to the American embassy in Israel question was interesting too. In terms of moving it back to Tel Aviv, she says it’s not for America to decide. #DemDebate #DemocraticDebate #debate

Again an impressive answer from #PeteButtigieg on Russian/Syrian violence and aggression in the Idlib province in Syria-demonstrating foreign policy knowledge well #DemocraticDebate #DemDebates #NexstarDC

Final thoughts: Warren, Buttigieg had great nights. Biden had a good night, the incoming on Bernie was effective but he did okay fending off. None of this was enough to upset the status quo in the race #DemDebate2020

I bet a lot of undecided democrats would love to see the Michael #Bloomberg from the TV ads show up on a #DemDebate2020 stage

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