Chris Osborne Profile picture
Building an AI coding school for non-developers: | Domain investing: @DomainLabs

Apr 15, 2020, 20 tweets

Newsletter #2 is live:

This will allow podcast & newsletter creators to sell their unfulfilled sponsorship inventory at a discount.

I built this using @ConvertKit. All was great until I couldn't find a way to remove the "Powered by ConvertKit" link :(

Newsletter #3 is live:

This newsletter will recap the best #FinTech news every week.

I built this using HTML/CSS and used @ConvertKit for email delivery. Lot's of hiccups as I was coding, but overall I'm happy with the flexibility this setup provides.

Newsletter #4 is live:

Every week I'll work with a few content writers looking for work (with paid projects) - and highlight the best ones I find on this newsletter.

This was built using @ajlkn's which is so polished 👏

Newsletter #5 is live:

A subject close to my heart! This newsletter will feature news, interviews and more w/ independent/organic wine producers.

Newsletter #6 is live:

This newsletter will interview people that are revolutionizing the cannabis industry as we know it today.

I had planned to use @revue for this newsletter but ran out of time. I will try again tomorrow!

Newsletter #7 is live (well, sort of):

While @revue's editing software looks promising, they have the worst landing pages and support on setting up a custom domain I’ve experienced so far (site doesn’t work without www. - and I wasn’t able to upload logo)

Newsletter #7 (part 2):

To improve the landing page, I decided to use Carrd that forwards new subscribers to Revue as I still want to test their email editor out.

But unfortunately, opt-in emails go to "Promotions" and I can't confirm a subscription 😢

Newsletter #8:

Many have asked, so here it is - A monthly newsletter that will track the performance of the newsletters I'm launching in this thread.

I used @SubstackInc and holy mackerel is it a pleasure to use! (downside is no custom domains as of yet)

Newsletter #9:

This will feature a recap of the best resources I find on parenting + cool stuff for kids.

I initially built this using a @Mailchimp landing page, but found out you can't host landers on root domains - so used their site builder instead.

Newsletter #10:

This newsletter will feature experts that are currently free to do interviews.

I built this using Carrd and @getresponse. This is my first time using Getresponse and I'm impressed! Much better UX on the backend than what MailChimp has.

Newsletter #11:

This newsletter will interview the most interesting people working in e-commerce.

I tried to set this up with @MailerLite but had issues getting a confirmation email or a helpful response back from their support:

Newsletter #12:

This newsletter will interview the most interesting people working in online advertising.

I set this up with @emailoctopus and the onboarding was great. I'm very impressed. Now to give their editor a test drive...

Newsletter #13:

This newsletter will interview the brightest minds working in biotech.

I went with using Carrd for the landing page and EmailOctopus for email delivery. This is my fave combo so far.

Newsletter #14:

This newsletter will interview the smartest people transforming agriculture (there's a lot of really interesting people in this space!)

Newsletter #15:

This newsletter will interview startups that are currently raising their seed round.

I initially set this up with Ghost but moved to Substack as it was a better fit. Check out the post for more info:

Newsletter #16:

This newsletter will recap the best #EdTech news every week.

It was built using Carrd and Email Octopus.

Newsletter #17:

This newsletter will recap the best #PropTech news every week.

It was built using Carrd and Email Octopus.

Newsletter #18:

This newsletter will educate folks about the benefits of working remotely, with interviews, curated guides, and a list of remote jobs.

It was built using Carrd and Email Octopus.

Newsletter #19:

This newsletter will curate the best #nocode news, guides, and tools every week.

It was built using Carrd and Email Octopus.

Newsletter #20:

This newsletter will curate the best podcast industry news.

It was built using Carrd and Email Octopus.

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