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Protecting Your Vote and Delivering Real Results for #ElectionIntegrity

Apr 20, 2020, 8 tweets

#California Linda Paine and Ellen Swensen of
@EIP_CA join J. Christian Adams to discuss their latest findings of #DoubleVoter registration leading to officially acknowledged #DoubleMailBallot votes from the 2020 Super Tuesday Primary. #VoterFraud #AVR

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#California #ElectionOfficials @EIP_CA

"What starts in CA is a harbinger of what will happen in the rest of the country - i.e. "BallotHarvesting".

#California @EIP_CA Click to listen:

"Never once has a #StateElectionOfficial admitted someone voted twice."

"As we get more data in, we are finding additional instances where citizens voted twice."

#California Click to listen:

#AutomaticVoterRegistration created more than 30,000 #DuplicationRegistrations in CA. When your name shows up even slightly differently in various data bases, you receive more than one ballot.

#California Voting The Podcast: Linda Paine and Ellen Swensen of @EIP_CA
Click to listen:

"Voting twice in a federal election is a felony. You can get up to five years."

#VoterFraud #ElectionFraud #DoubleVoting

#California Voting the Podcast Linda Paine and Ellen Swensen of @EIP_CA
Click to listen:

Proposals are out in our state and other states for 100% vote by mail. We must have the state clean up the 30,000 duplicated registrations in CA before the election.

Voting the Podcast Linda Paine and Ellen Swensen of @EIP_CA Click to listen:

@ACLU @CommonCause @LeagueWomenVote are spending donor money to protect the status quo - #DoubleVoting, #VoterFraud, #AVR, #MailBallots

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