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Jan 28th 2021
#Virginia .@townhallcom

The legal challenge was filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation .@PILFoundation, who called the decision a big win for the rule of law (via .@DailyCaller):
#Virginia .@townhallcom

The @vaELECT rule allowing officials to count ballots that arrived without a postmark up to three days after the election was illegal, a state judge ruled.

#MailBallots #ElectionIntegrity
#Virginia Circuit Court Judge William Eldridge ruled the state’s late #MailBallot law violated state statute and permanently banned the law in future Virginia elections, the .@PILFoundation (PILF) announced.

#MailBallots #ElectionIntegrity
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Jan 5th 2021
.@IngrahamAngle .@VDHanson

Watch .@PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams .@ElectionLawCtr on the Ingraham Angle:

#ElectionIntegrity - the process - has never been high on the list of Republican Senate priorities.

.@PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams .@ElectionLawCtr on the .@IngrahamAngle:

[#ElectionManipulation] has always been high on the list of Democratic party priorities. That is why you saw HR1, which would make everything you saw in this election legal.
@PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams .@ElectionLawCtr on the .@IngrahamAngle:

This has just been a priority of the left. It has not been a priority of Republicans.

#MailBallots #DeadVoters #DoubleVoters #ElectionManipulation
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Sep 12th 2020
@FoxNews #VIP2020

J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr, president and general counsel of the conservative election watchdog group @PILFoundation, joins Gerry Baker on @WSJatLarge.
No abuse of mail-in voting system? Is that right?

"Its dead wrong. First of all, we know that #VBM disenfranchises voters." @PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr.

Thank you supporters! Our work is made possible by you.
Read 14 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
. @EpochTimes #VIP2020

“Election night is not going to be results night just because you have so many states that do not have the institutional experience in mass mail elections." @PILFoundation's @LCChurchwell

. @EpochTimes #VIP2020

@LCChurchwell the communications director for @PILFoundation, told The Epoch Times that a massive influx of #MailBallots will likely lead to an election day with no clear winner called.

. @EpochTimes #VIP2020

[Leftists] say that [safeguards amount] to voter suppression. @LCChurchwell says the suppression argument is novel and has not been brought up in recent election cycles.

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Aug 7th 2020
NEW Election Frontline Weekly

223K Mail Ballots Sent to Outdated Clark County NV Addresses… Image
NEW Election Frontline Weekly:

“These numbers show how vote by mail fails. We are busy at work collecting and sharing data on mail ballot breakdowns across the country." @ElectionLawCtr J. Christian Adams @PILFoundation Image
NEW Election Frontline Weekly

@PILFoundation Chairperson of the Board @CletaMitchell Joins @cspanwj on @cspan to Discuss #MailBallots Image
Read 4 tweets
Aug 5th 2020

. @PILFoundation Report: 223K #ClarkCounty #Nevada #MailBallots Went to Wrong Addresses in 2020 Primary

17% of County Voter Roll Exhibits Wrong Addresses

Mail ballots will go to all of these voter addresses.

. @PILFoundation today released a research brief detailing mail balloting return figures for Clark County, Nevada, during the June 2020 Primary.

@VictorJoecks @KarlRove @LarryOConnor .
@AriFleischer @Joe_Bartels
@realDonaldTrump @GOPChairwoman

Almost 1 in 5 ballots were returned undeliverable by the @USPS according to #ClarkCounty figures released to the @PILFoundation this week. A stunning 42 percent of undelivered mail was addressed to “active” registrants.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 31st 2020
WMAL J. Christian Adams LIVE NOW:

Mornings on the Mall
WMAL J. Christian Adams LIVE NOW:

"He is serious and correct about - science and data are clear - if you want election decided in courtrooms, vote by mail."
WMAL J. Christian Adams LIVE NOW:

1.3 million ballots were rejected by election officials. If you want chaos, have a mail ballot election.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 29th 2020

New Report: Florida’s Voter Rolls Portend Disaster for Mail-In Voting

Analysis Discovers Battleground State’s Widespread Deficiencies: Files Ripe with #DeceasedRegistrants to Non-residential Addresses & Cases of #DoubleRegistration

As America’s most prized presidential battleground state and a focal point for increased voter turnout, Florida is ill-prepared for mail-in voting according to a new scathing report published The Public Interest Legal Foundation @PILFoundation

“Florida’s concerning registered voter lists paired with the expected surge in vote-by-mail this fall is like watching a high-speed train collision occur in slow motion,” @PILFoundation President J. Christian Adams. @ElectionLawCtr
Read 9 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
. @onenewsnowcom

@PILFoundation J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr says it would be a "catastrophe" to put the election in the hands of the @USPS.

#MailBallots #2020Election #ElectionIntegrity
@PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams:

"[Those 28 million 'unknown' ballots] represent 28 million opportunities for someone to cheat. #AbsenteeBallot fraud is the most common; the most expensive to investigate; and can never be reversed after an election."
. @onenewsnowcom

@PILFoundation analysis of @EACgov's reports lists, by election year, the number of mail-in ballots that "went missing" and were officially designated as "unaccounted for."

#MailBallots #2020Election #ElectionIntegrity
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Jul 9th 2020
#NorthCarolina . @PILFoundation

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF)’s amicus brief filed in a federal lawsuit to strip North Carolina’s mail voter protections in 2020 was accepted by the court Wednesday.

#DoubleVoters #DuplicateRegistrations
#NorthCarolina . @PILFoundation

“This is a widespread concern in North Carolina,” PILF President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams said. “We should be talking about how to strengthen our systems against misdeeds
#NorthCarolina . @PILFoundation

“We should be talking about how to strengthen our systems against misdeeds done out of the sight of election officials in 2020 instead of defending an imperfect system from total ruin.
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Jun 24th 2020

Court Brief: Thousands of Dead, Duplicated CA Voter Registrants Could Get #MailBallots

New Amicus Briefs Outline Widespread Flaws in ‘Active’ California #VoterRoll

#DeadVoter #DuplicateVoter #VoterFraud

. @PILFoundation’s amicus briefs filed in two federal lawsuits regarding CA’s expanded use of #MailBallots in #2020Election were accepted by their respective courts this week. The briefs outline flaws in the CA #VoterRegistration roll.
. @GovNewsom signed into law a requirement that #MailBallots be transmitted to all “active” registrants for use in the #2020GeneralElection in November. @PILFoundation briefs describe audit findings.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 22nd 2020
. @capitalresearch

Expanding [#MailBallots] has been a part of the [progressive] party platform for a long time, but it’s a policy that could severely endanger the credibility of our elections. Image
Why National Vote-By-Mail Endangers Our Elections | Sarah Lee via @YouTube
Ilhan Omar says you should never need to vote in person again. What elese will Ilhan Omar decide for you?
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Jun 19th 2020
. @realDonaldTrump

A task force of #ElectionIntegrity attorneys, researchers, and experienced #ElectionExperts published: Standards for Voting by Mail today: Four Core Measures Will Balance Integrity and Access

. @CletaMitchell

The Standards are intended to equip policymakers and election officials with specific standards and protocols for best practices to protect the integrity of the 2020 General Election, with the increasing demands for voting by mail.
. @johnfund

“The nation is under-prepared for the #2020Election if #MailBallot demand expectations are accurate,” @PILFoundation President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr said.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 18th 2020

@GovRonDeSantis gave the state’s 67 local elections officials the ability to begin processing #MailBallots earlier than otherwise allowed under Florida law.

#AbsenteeBallots #2020Election


[@GovRonDeSantis] also established administrative policies encouraging state employees to work as #PollWorkers in their home counties — potentially alleviating concerns about Election Day staffing shortages.



[@GovRonDeSantis] encouraged officials to create protocols for keeping polling places sanitized and voters socially distanced.

#2020Election @NewsbySmiley
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Jun 12th 2020
NEW! Election Frontline Weekly:

You truly haven’t lived until you’re on the business-end of a tut-tutting from @PolitiFact over the meaning of the words “missing” and “unknown".

#SorosPaidMe #MailBallots #AbsenteeBallots Image
NEW! Election Frontline Weekly:

“The we-told-you-so’s are coming in fast. #MailBallot problems are showing in #NewJersey, #RhodeIsland, #Nevada, and more. As I told Congress last week, the nation is not ready for all-mail elections."

#2020Elections Image
NEW! Election Frontline Weekly:

“In the old days, before foundation-funded outlets like @PolitiFact [appeared], Americans would agree that there is a problem when 28,000,000 ballots are mailed out, never come back, are missing, whereabouts unknown." Image
Read 4 tweets
Jun 11th 2020
. @ElectionLawCtr J. Christian Adams

Did you hear that Jimmy Hoffa really isn’t missing? His whereabouts are just unknown. Maybe he’s hanging out on a Pacific Island with Amelia Earhart. She isn’t missing either. It’s just unknown where she is.
. @ElectionLawCtr J. Christian Adams @PILFoundation

This is the sort of nonsense the fake fact checkers at @PolitiFact expect the public to swallow.

#SorosPaidMe #FakeFactCheckers #FakeNews
. @ElectionLawCtr J. Christian Adams

It might be funny if @PolitiFact only spent its time debunking alien and ghost claims. Instead, fake fact checkers at Politifact are obscuring and hiding vulnerabilities in our voting system on the eve of an election.
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May 2nd 2020
#AbsenteeBallots are vulnerable to intimidation, fraud, and chaos as all-mail elections move behind closed doors beyond the oversight of #ElectionOfficials, along with prolonged counting and potentially lengthy delays in certifying questionable results.
#ElectionOfficials must: Work with local U.S. Postal Service authorities to ensure integrity in the mail system and prevent delayed delivery of ballots. #MailBallots @USPS
.@Heritage Foundation Report: Standards for #AbsenteeBallots and All-Mail Elections: Doing It Right…and Doing It Wrong #MailBallots @USPS
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Apr 22nd 2020
A new report has revealed how vulnerable voting by mail can be. Based on federal data from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission @EACgov , millions of #MailBallots were never counted as completed votes. @HvonSpakovsky
The data demonstrate the danger of putting the presidential election into the hands of the U.S. Postal Service, as well as the problems with inaccurate and out-of-date voter registration lists. @HvonSpakovsky
@PILFoundation analysis of survey data @EACgov draws a startling picture: 32 million mail ballots effectively disappeared, went to the wrong house, or were rejected since 2012. This includes all-mail voting states like #Oregon and #Washington.
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Apr 20th 2020
#California Linda Paine and Ellen Swensen of
@EIP_CA join J. Christian Adams to discuss their latest findings of #DoubleVoter registration leading to officially acknowledged #DoubleMailBallot votes from the 2020 Super Tuesday Primary. #VoterFraud #AVR Image
Subscribe to the @VotingPodcast! We know you're looking for more audio content right now. #Coronavirus #corona #COVID19 Image
#California #ElectionOfficials @EIP_CA

"What starts in CA is a harbinger of what will happen in the rest of the country - i.e. "BallotHarvesting". Image
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Apr 17th 2020
Hillary Clinton had 2.9 million more votes, yet 6.5 million ballots were misdirected or unaccounted for by the state. For every vote Hillary won over the president nationally, more than twice as many mail ballots disappeared or went to the wrong addresses.
@HvonSpakovsky For every vote that Hillary won over the eventual president nationally, more than twice as many #MailBallots disappeared or went to the wrong addresses.
The data demonstrate the danger of putting the presidential election into the hands of the U.S. Postal Service, as well as the problems with inaccurate and out-of-date voter registration lists. #DeadVoters #DoubleVoters #UnknownVoters #RejectedVoters
Read 19 tweets
Apr 9th 2020
The biggest challenge is fear. States should not be reaching for increased #MailBalloting out of panic.
#MailBallots go to the last address on file regardless if the person is dead, moved, registered in duplicate, or in prison.
Local officials do not have the manpower for universal mail balloting nationwide. Hundreds of thousands or more human hands will be required to open envelopes, verify signatures, and handle the ballots for tabulation.
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Apr 7th 2020
“Generally speaking, there is an unnecessary amount of panic around the #NovemberElection, states should be reaching for Lysol and not #MailBallots on this,” said @LCChurchwell Logan Churchwell, spokesman for @PILFoundation @SethMcLaughlin1 #2020Election
“But the broader issue is to say that we need to make sure November is all-mail ballot too is a complete overreaction,” @LCChurchwell Logan Churchwell, spokesman for @PILFoundation @SethMcLaughlin1 #2020Election
“It is yet again a fraction of the American political system making a power grab and not letting this crisis go to waste.” @LCChurchwell Logan Churchwell, spokesman for @PILFoundation @SethMcLaughlin1 #2020Election
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Apr 1st 2020
Coronavirus package has $400 million to help states beef up mail-in voting |
The #coronavirus relief package will provide $400 million to states for the #2020Elections. Beware: If this pile of money isn’t spent wisely, the integrity of the elections will be at risk. #ElectionIntegrity #MailBallots #BallotHarvesting. #EarlyVoting
Residents of some states may not be able to vote in person and may be forced to vote using absentee or #MailInBallots as long as the current emergency continues. #MandatoryMailBallots #MandatoryEarlyVoting #ElectionFraud #ElectionManipulation
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Mar 25th 2020
We always knew that liberals considered federalizing control over elections to be an important priority. We just never dreamed it was more important than fighting the coronavirus pandemic or preserving American jobs. @ElectionLawCtr @HvonSpakovsky
Progressives long for federal mandates over how we vote, when we vote and who gets to collect #AbsenteeBallots.
@ElectionLawCtr @HvonSpakovsky
Reforms that will make it easier to #ManipulateElection outcomes and commit fraud are now back in play, as part of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s massive $2.5 trillion #CoronavirusBill.@ElectionLawCtr @HvonSpakovsky
Read 6 tweets

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