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Diplomatic Editor & NewsAnchor @ZeeNews.Interested in Geopolitics & Strategic Affairs. Tweets Personal,RT≠ Endorsement. #Chevening & #IVLP Fellow.

May 23, 2020, 10 tweets

Sharing a thread from an old lecture of late Field Marshal #SamManekshaw. He delivered this speech at Xavier's College,Mumbai, some years ago and spoke about attributes required for the #Leadership.
You may find it interesting & still very relevant.

Late Field Marshal #SamManekshaw-
"If leaders are not born, can they be made?
..Give me a man with reasonable common sense & decency, and you can make a leader out of him.
The cardinal attribute for is leadership is professional knowledge & competence."

F.M #SamManekshaw
"Professional knowledge is a Sine Non Qua of Leadership.
You have to have professional complete ve when you are expected to lead anything.
Professional knowledge has be acquired hard way."

FM #SamManekshaw:
Another attribute for leadership is the ability to make up your mind and take decisions. Having taken that decision taking full responsibility for it.
If you must be a bloody-fool be one quickly.*

F.M. #SamManekekshaw
"Do you know how much money is lost in the country because someone won't take a decision?
..Cost increases many fold and we the people of India suffers.
Take a decision and then standby it. Don't pass the buck on your subordinates."

F.M. #SamManekshaw on #Leadership
"What comes next? Absolute #Justice and #Impartiality.
..No man like to be punished but they take it when see it's done with impartiality.
People do not want to be superceded.But they'll accept supersession when done fairly."

F.M. #SamManekshaw -
Physical and Moral courage are important attributes of #leadership .

Hear this account of cabinet meeting of April 28, 1970 to dwell upon the situation of the then East Pakistan. Meeting chaired by PM IndiraGandhi.
Late FM #SamManekshaw narrated the story.

#SamManekshaw on Cabinet Meet of 1970
"The passes in Himalayas will start opening now.The snow melts.If the Chinese will give us an ultimatum,I may hv to fight on 2 fronts.
My own Def Min said,Maan Jao na Shaam(SAM).
And I said,Ye koi manne ki baat hai?Am telling you the truth."

"If your father in 1962 had me as his commander in chief,the country would not have been disgraced.The Army would not have been beaten.But the ArmyChief didn't have moral courage to say he wasn't ready.
So,There is a very thin line in becoming a field marshal & being dismissed."

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