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Christian|Lazy Writer|Singer|Sports Fanatic|Thought Leadership|Democracy|Human Rights|Chelsea FC| Citizens' Analyst|

Jun 9, 2020, 8 tweets

1] Received the news of the demise of #Burundi #Pres #PierreNkuruzinza with mixed feelings.

Whereas i immediately felt compassion for his loved one, can't help but feel ashamed as an #African.

Like many others, his #Presidency captured what is wrong with #African #politics.

2] For those not aware, #PresNkuruzinza had just finished his controversial 3rd term which began in 2015.

Many #Burundians were massacred for opposing his last term.

He had become obsessed with his #Presidency like many other #African despots.

Ofcourse #AU just watched.

3] Before #PresNkuruzinza stepped down, he pushed #Burundi into an election in the middle of #covid_19

He recklessly held rallies all over #Burundi

@WHO officials who cautioned his reckless conduct where simply expelled from #Burundi.

For him, #covid_19 was just a distraction.

4] But here's where it gets nasty..

Peirre attempted to leave a Regent President, one Gen. #EvaristeNdayishimiye who was to take over in August for a 7 year term

Nkuruzinza was to assume the position of SUPREME GUIDE TO PATRIOTISM.

It doesn't exist in the Burundi constitution.

5] Not only doesn't he get to become #SupremeGuideToPatriotism (whatever that means), he won't witness the reign of his #RegentPresident.

Now who steps in as Pres since the Pres elect was to be sworn in in August?

I stand corrected, but the #Speaker of the #NA might step in.

6] Now, suspicion is that #PresNkuruzinza died because of Covid-19.

The official communication is that he died of a heart attack, which might also be linked to #COVID__19 anyways.

But away from speculations,his wife FL Denise is in #Nairobi #Kenya battling the #COVID__19 virus.

7] Nkuruzinza:

●Ruled Burundi for 7 year 3 terms

●created an unconstitutional position for himself

●left Burundi with a constitutional quagmire

●Left a Regent President

●Through reckless electioneering, left wife battling for life & Burundians at risk of Covid-19 surge.

8] History will be terribly unkind to us.

We have allowed the worst amongst us to (mis)LEAD us

Bodies like #AU have left #Africans exposed under marauding #dictatorships

We need to have some #dignity as a people and do everything possible to become #progressive



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