Er. MBA Purnima NATH #USCongressWI4 Candidate🇺🇲 Profile picture
TV Debater. Writer. Seeker. Explorer. Founder nonprofit. #SecMkeGop #Advocator #Geopolitics #Religion @iExit9 @HindusAndTrump. MBA @kelloggschool. Engineer.🕉️卐

Jun 14, 2020, 19 tweets

Another #Hindu (#Sanatani) got attacked #thread

@Deloitte @DeloitteUS: You MUST NOT succumb to the pressure from the #Islamic #SEPARATIST #antiIndia #antiHindu GROUP

AMBUSHED: Sriram Panigrahi, Hindu works at Deloitte US

ATTACKER: TrathHindustans, a Kashmiri Muslim handle

TrathHindusthans's thread (pinned)

Please check the entire thread to know who TrathHindusthans is?

Notice Trath Hindustan (S)...It is a #BreakIndia #Propaganda group

@KapilMishra_IND @Swamy39 @ShefVaidya @Rajput_Ramesh @jsaideepak @theanuragoffice

TrathHindusthans retweets call for India's disintegration into 23 new countries

TrathHindusthans connected to Acha_Waleed who wants to be a stone pelter.

TrathHindusthans retweets @TheDailyShow's call for Canada to #InvadeUS

TrathHindusthans is inciting violence

TrathHindusthans is homophobic

#StandWithKashmir is linked to violent Islamists terrorists. TrathHindusthans retweets Stand With Kashmir (m

TrathHindusthans retweets to show their support for Palestanian Muslims

TrathHindusthans supports notoriously known #antiIndian #antiHindu converted-Christian (From Hindu) run US based #Propaganda organization #EquityLabs

TrathHindusthans supporting #propaganda on how to safe keep Kashmiri Muslims twitter handles location

@Deloitte @DeloitteUS: As you can see by now that, these #antiIndia #antiHindu groups are working together to target Hindus worldwide. They ran campaigns to zero in on the Hindus living in gulf countries, recently. Practically, any proIndia/proHindu is being ambushed.

@Deloitte @DeloitteUS: These vast nexus and network of Islamists struck Hindu Ravi Hooda recently in Canada. He was fired from his job.

Their goal is to use catchy phrase of Islamophobia to pressure companies, and create fear among Hindus and paralyze Hindus.


@Voice_For_India looks like #TrathHindustans took reference of your tweet that was retweeted by Sriram Panigrahi. #FYI.

@TarekFatah @Imamofpeace @AskAnshul @republic @ZeeNewsEnglish @jihadwatchRS please help. These Islamists seem to be determined to break India 🇮🇳 and weaken, paralyze and wipe out Hindus. Their attack continues.

@Deloitte @DeloitteUS: any update?

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