Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 😷 Profile picture
* CURRENTLY IN JAIL, ACCOUNT MANAGED BY FRIENDS * — Hong Kong activist〡joshua@joshuawongcf.com〡#UnfreeSpeech:〡#MilkTeaAlliance

Jul 10, 2020, 6 tweets

[Primary Election Tomorrow: Our vote is our voice to the world]

1. In next two days, primary election for pro-democracy camps will be held. First time after enactment of #nationalsecuritylaw, #HKers can show our determination for democracy & liberty w/ our votes in this election

2. As #China fears #HKers’ daring to speak and think freely, #hkpolice raided the office of PORI tonight, co-organizer of primary election. Before that, PORI was subject to waves of hacking and attacks by pro-Beijing media. All these are meant to create fear to scare people off.

3. Therefore, at the time when holding blank papers was accused of breaching #nationalsecuritylaw, the legislative council election in September has high risks of cancellation. Hence, tomorrow’s primary may be the last chance for #Hongkongers to cast our vote, free from fear.

4. Also, as #Beijing plans to disqualify all pro-democracy candidates that have opposed the stringent law including me, the primary election might be the only chance that my name can appear on the ballot without political censorship.

5. When Beijing criminalizes all international advocacy with its sweeping powers, the vote that I get in the primary would be the popular mandate for our future international advocacy to call for the world's awareness on HK’s vanishing liberty and democracy.

6. When China tries to silence our voices with fear, HKers will continue to speak up for justice without fear.

Hongkongers, please vote! And let our voice be heard!

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