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Stock Trading & Investing, US Stocks, Watchlist, Videos, Market Breadth Stan Weinstein | Wyckoff | Minervini | CAN SLIM ➜ Members:

Jul 16, 2020, 16 tweets

Stage Analysis – The Four Stages


Examples of each of the Four Stages to help you learn Stan Weinstein's Stage Analysis method.

Also will help you understand what I'm referring to in my posts

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Stage 1 – Basing Phase

Stage 1A – Start of a base. Needs much more time.
Stage 1 – Basing Phase. May begin accumulation.
Stage 1B – Late in base-building phase. Watch for breakout.

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Stage 1 – Basing Phase

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Stage 1 – Basing Phase

Examples of four stocks in different phases of Stage 1 bases.

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Stage 2 – Advancing Stage

Stage 2A – Early in uptrend stage. Ideal time to buy aggressively.
Stage 2 – Advancing Stage.
Stage 2B – Getting late in uptrend.

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Stage 2 – Advancing Stage

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Stage 2 – Advancing Stage

Examples of four stocks in different phases of Stage 2 advances.

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Stage 3 – Top Area

Stage 3A – Looks as if a top is starting to form. Be sure to protect holdings with a close stop.
Stage 3 – The Top Area. Start to reduce positions.
Stage 3B – Has become increasingly toppy. Use rallies for at least partial selling
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Stage 3 – Top Area

Examples of four stocks showing Stage 3 tops.

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Stage 4 – Declining Stage

Stage 4A – Stock has entered Downtrend Stage. Close out remaining positions.
Stage 4 – The Declining Stage. Avoid on the long side.
Stage 4B – Late in downtrend. Much too soon to consider buying

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Stage 4 – Declining Phase

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Stage 4 – Declining Phase

Examples of four stocks showing Stage 4 declines and the characteristics to look out for.

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To learn more about **Stan Weinstein's Stage Analysis Method** I've created a video course which covers the examples from the thread above in more detail, and some additional content on the ideal entry points for the method…

#stanweinstein #stocks #trading

After explaining the four Stages with detailed examples in the video course, I move onto the methods ideal entry points.

An example is the 2017 $SHOP Stage 2 advance, where I explain the Trader method entry point and how it would be managed.

#stocks #trading #investing #money

A frequently asked question is what are my weekly chart settings on @StockCharts. So attached is my settings for how I create the Stage Analysis weekly charts with the & Volume & Mansfield Relative Strength (unflattened).

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