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Jul 20, 2020, 5 tweets

Some of the riot control muntions that were used on protestors tonight, including some type of chemical smoke and CS gas (tear gas). #portland #PortlandProtest #portlandprotests #PortlandOregon #PortlandOR #oregon #BLMprotest #PDXprotests #PDX #munitions #Teargas #clypiancoverage

Here’s another canister of CS gas from tonight. Protestors were unsure as to what caused the canister to split as it did.

This canister was also used today in #portland. It is a Multi-Port Distraction Device which reads BORTAC on the side. BORTAC is the U.S. Border Patrol Tactical Unit—essentially CBP’s SWAT team. BORTAC is usually deployed for missions like apprehending int’l drug traffickers.

These munitions were also shot by Federal Officers in #Portland tonight. They contain a powder. They’re pretty standard crowd control munitions and are common at these protests.

Some of the munitions they used tonight at the #PortlandProtests were expired. This piece of a munition has a manufacturing date of 2001 and they are supposed to last for 5 years. So, this munition was 14 years expired.

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