Phil Booth Profile picture
Mind 'for hire'; critical friend to just causes. Currently also @medConfidential; formerly @NO2ID

Jul 20, 2020, 12 tweets

A [Thread] on @CDEIUK's "Addressing trust in public sector data use" report:…

(Likely in bursts)


Good point on #evaluation. So why aren't ALL public sector & Government contractors under #FOI, and #required to provide such data? Hiding behind 'commercial confidentiality' shouldn't be allowed.

"Sharing" is a two-way activity!


While it may be implicit, any 'sharing' of #PersonalData must above all be #lawful - which means #necessary (for a particular, specified #purpose) and #proportionate. Individual #consent may provide one lawful basis; the notion of "public consent" is rather more hazy!


In our experience, since Thomas-Walport and before, framing citizens' #rights and legal #safeguards as "barriers" is PART OF THE PROBLEM! (As have been all of the Gov't & public sector data initiatives - being just one - that ignored public #trust.)


People. Should. Know. How. Their. Data. Is. Used!

If you're not willing to tell them, then you aren't #trustworthy. And if you don't tell them, when people DO find out (generally after you've screwed up) then #trust isn't just "tenuous" - it collapses.


These points aren't wrong, but don't forget consistent #misinterpretation & #misapplication of technical measures (e.g. trying to pretend #pseudonymised data isn't actually #PersonalData) is even more toxic to #trust, cf.

Plus, "important" to who?


Hmm. Yet another report? Rather than asking the same questions in the hope of getting the answers you want, how about putting forward some concrete proposals? Or #implementing what can already be done?

(N.B. the law is actually pretty clear in this area; try abiding by it?)


Don't misconceive/muddle #rights & #interests!

Strong, transparent #PublicInterest & #PublicValue tests are OK, but one can only exceptionally override individuals' human & other rights (cf. s251 support in health) & opt-outs are essential.

"Society" doesn't have rights.


Umm. What exactly does @CDEIUK
think it is?!

Determining "system level governance structures" is Parliament's job, and statutory '#SafeHavens' already exist, e.g. @ONS & @NHSDigital. What other types of data do you want?

TIRED: "anonymised"
WIRED: #SafeSettings & #FiveSafes


Use cases are good; they let people know what you want to do, and what you expect the outcome(s) to be. They are testable, and provide focus.

Just make sure your "partners" aren't exclusively focused on their own narrow interests. That hasn't worked out so well before...


[Holding tweet]

That's enough for now. (N.B. I don't propose to go through the whole report paragraph by paragraph like this!)

I highly recommend @peterkwells' commentary on the @CDEIUK report:

(Noting that it's often what's NOT considered that's the most revealing...)

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