CCChat Magazine- on and around Coercive Control Profile picture
CCChat Magazine- The FREE magazine on and around coercive control since 2017. Some tweets may be random! Anatomy of a Smear Campaign 19:07:23 Editor: Min Grob

Aug 2, 2020, 10 tweets

Things I’ve learnt that have enabled a much better understanding of #coercivecontrol


On evidence:

People will focus all their attention on the minutiae but you need to look at it in context- at the big picture.

On people:

The "halo effect" is deeply underestimated.

This is when one trait of a person or thing is used to make an overall judgment of that person or thing. It supports rapid decisions, even if biased ones.

On trauma:

Fight or flight are not the only responses to trauma and trauma does not have to be a life sentence.


On manipulation:

If someone is ‘ soft spoken’ in public, it does not mean they are ‘soft spoken’ in private.


On memory:

Memory does not work like a video recorder. Some days you will remember some details, on others days you will remember other details.


On denials:

The louder and more emphatic the denial, the more aggrieved and outraged the person that is denying, the more you have to look beyond it.

On enablers:

Coercive control absolutely relies on enablers. Without them the controller would not have the power to do what they do.

Both active colluders and unwitting bystanders reinforce the controller’s narrative.

On victims:

Victims aren’t perfect and they have pasts.

By scrutinising a victim’s past in a quest for “proof” we often take attention away from the abuser.

And, most importantly....

On generalisations:

Coercive control is specific to the victim. It relies heavily on knowledge of the victim, their histories, their fears and their weaknesses.
What is controlling in one relationship is not necessarily controlling in another.

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