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She/Her. Newsletter: Instagram and Threads: @monaeltahawy Buy Me a Coffee

Sep 10, 2020, 7 tweets

In #Egypt and #Iran unprecedented numbers of women are speaking out about sexual violence and exposing their predators. It takes guts to speak out and patriarchy does all it can to shut you up. I spoke with @SanamF24…

Fighting back takes guts & comes at tremendous cost. Feminists in South Africa are supporting Yolanda Dyantyi a former Rhodes U student as she challenges a High Court judgement that upheld her lifetime exclusion from the university - for heading anti-rape protests in 2016.

What does a feminist revolution look like when the authorities in your country don’t give a fuck about the violence that patriarchy subjects you to? Anarchist feminists in #Mexico showed us this week… #NiUnaMenos

The above are from the latest FEMINIST GIANT Newsletter. Sign up - it’s free - and stay up to date with global feminist resistance to patriarchal fuckery by @monaeltahawy…

Also in the latest issue: A #Nigerian film about lesbian love which went online to avoid censorship will make its world premier at a queer film festival in Canada. #IfeTheMovie

And an anthology of queer Nigerian women’s narratives that I was glad to blurb…

Watch and sign up to stay up to date with global feminist resistance to patriarchal fuckery 👉🏽👉🏽…

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