May Wong Profile picture
Senior Indochina Correspondent @ChannelNewsAsia (Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) Formerly based in Myanmar. Now Bangkok and around the region

Sep 19, 2020, 13 tweets

#Thailand protesters & police alike ready for round 2 on 2nd day of protest at Sanam Luang, infront of Thai #grandpalace. Many camped out in the field overnight as protesters kept speeches going on almost throughout the night. #19กันยาทวงอํานาจคืนราษฏร

#Thailand #protest crowd certainly thinned out since last night where tens of thousands were gathered here on Sanam Luang, a royal park right infront of palace and beside #Thammasat University. Protest leader says #monarchy shouldn't be above politics #19กันยาทวงอํานาจคืนราษฏร

#Thailand leading protest leaders stating their demands for reforms to #monarchy right infront of the #GrandPalace. These demands include getting rid of lèse majesté law, closing some of the royal offices/units & reducing budget of the palace. #19กันยาทวงอํานาจคืนราษฏร

#Thailand protesters taking a break before regrouping later to march to most likely Government House where #PM @prayutofficial office is. Protesters demanding for reformed #monarchy but reiterate it's NOT to topple monarchy but to modernize institution #19กันยาทวงอํานาจคืนราษฏร

The field infront of #Thailand Royal Palace is the closest protesters allowed to go to demand for changes in government, constitution and #monarchy reforms. This scene infront of the #palace is already considered a very bold move & quite a breakthrough #19กันยาทวงอํานาจคืนราษฏร

#Thailand #protesters will soon march off to a location that local reports say will be to the government house, #PM #Prayut office as they want to hand over a list of their demands for reforms. Meantime, they're just getting a morning workout #19กันยาทวงอํานาจคืนราษฏร

1 of the main routes to #Thailand #Bangkok government house has been blocked with at least 100 officers insight. #Protesters have been said to be planning to march to that location to hand in their demands for change in country. #19กันยาทวงอํานาจคืนราษฏร

#Thailand law enforcement taking no chances and prepared to confront #protesters if need be as they set up barricades to block various ways to government house where the #PM @prayutofficial is. #19กันยาทวงอํานาจคืนราษฏร

Current scene outside government house as #Thailand protesters will soon march out of Sanam Luang, field infront of #palace where many camped overnight since peaceful demonstrations started Sat morning. Citizens want reforms while #PM called for unity #19กันยาทวงอํานาจคืนราษฏร

More pics of barricades set up with officers stationed to handle any #protesters. But #Thailand protest leaders urged people not to confront officers or this potential clash will ruin ultimate goal to achieve reforms in government, country, #monarchy #19กันยาทวงอํานาจคืนราษฏร

#Thailand #protesters have decided not to march to government house as they say they want demands for reforms to head straight up to #King & to #palace. Protesters have also increased number of times in this demonstration to call for #monarchy reforms #19กันยาทวงอํานาจคืนราษฏร

Officers stationed around #Thailand government house still remaining alert even though #protesters have decided not to march to this location. Reports initially said demonstrators plan to go to government house to hand in the hard copy of their reforms #19กันยาทวงอํานาจคืนราษฏร

More than 2 hours after #Thailand #protesters dispersed from Sanam Luang royal park after overnight demonstration infront of #palace, many still waiting to take pic of symbolic plaque embedded into ground that reads "The country belongs to the people" #19กันยาทวงอํานาจคืนราษฏร

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